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It may be a stupid question, but are you actually getting the Frontline onto the skin. I've known some people just squeeze it onto the dog. Just a thought, as Frontline is usually so good.

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Guest little terriers

lottie lottie lottie what am a going to do with you right firdt of all buy 2 tins of flea spray for the house but dont spary it until you have bought frontline and give the terriers 20 pumps in do not dry them at all let it dry natrual then shuff them out bk and do the house top to bottom in see for there bedding bin it bin the lot frontline treats fleas ticks in might iv personal had them this year thought i was lucky in it was just me bitch that had them and a was wrong all 7 dogs had them and i had a bitch in pup at the time my cross bread took a reaction to them in his fur fell out he had patches of pink and the vet said do him again with it and my prob cleared up so just follow my advice in if that doesnt work go to the vets cause the fleas will take all the goodness from your dogs so the will ill speke to you soon

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Do You never get bitten, Charlotte? :hmm:


Molecatcher's right. Call in a Pro'. Council or local one man band. He'll identify the species involved. Treat it with stuff you aren't allowed to get ye hands on, using the proper equipment and methods. He'll give ye a great little pep talk about the pest concerned and will eradicate it for ye.


He'll cost a damn site less than any ammount of 'Try this, try that' things from shops and vets. He'll also nail the problem in next to no time.


Incidentally; If it Is fleas? They'll be living out their cyclic little lives in those board floors of yours. Spend what ye like on stuff to knock out this lastest wave. Their eggs will be down there. Waiting. They'll be back. But then, I think you've proven this already, no?


Get a Professional in :good:


Thanks for the sound advice.....got to get the problem sorted!!! and nooooooo i have not got bitten!!!!!


lottie lottie lottie what am a going to do with you right firdt of all buy 2 tins of flea spray for the house but dont spary it until you have bought frontline and give the terriers 20 pumps in do not dry them at all let it dry natrual then shuff them out bk and do the house top to bottom in see for there bedding bin it bin the lot frontline treats fleas ticks in might iv personal had them this year thought i was lucky in it was just me bitch that had them and a was wrong all 7 dogs had them and i had a bitch in pup at the time my cross bread took a reaction to them in his fur fell out he had patches of pink and the vet said do him again with it and my prob cleared up so just follow my advice in if that doesnt work go to the vets cause the fleas will take all the goodness from your dogs so the will ill speke to you soon



:D:D:D:D:D for the advice........catch u (sorry) you soon!!!lol



It may be a stupid question, but are you actually getting the Frontline onto the skin. I've known some people just squeeze it onto the dog. Just a thought, as Frontline is usually so good.



I do make sure its on the skin, although the first time with the pup was a pain.....wriggly squirmy little sod!!! even dropped it on back of neck and base of tail!! Frontline that is and not the pup!!!lol

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Huge black fleas!!! and nooooooo i have not got bitten!!!!!



And they're being found on Dogs who are kept "Most" of their time in the house?


And ye have a 'Fox' which, I'm guessing You're Guessing is a fox? A maybe fox who comes to ye garden each night and is 'scratching at ye shed'? I'd just Love to examine that shed, Charlotte.


I'd love to examine that shed because then I could maybe work out exactly What's being drawn to it. I'd also see the location of this shed. I'd be able to sniff around inside and outside, looking at the ground based edges of this shed.


Think about it: Larger animals don't come scratching round peoples sheds for nothing. Right? They come for food.


So now we have a seemingly 'empty' shed which is attracting a larger predator. What ever attracts that pred' is giving It as hard a time as it must be giving those Dogs of yours. Because none of them have managed to get at it yet. And ye Dogs are suffering from a constant supply of " Huge, black fleas " :hmm:


Ever considered ye may have a Hedgehog under that shed? Might be a fox ~ could even be a badger ~ coming round, trying to get at it. Maybe your smaller pup's managing to get that bit closer to it, during the limited time it gets out there? Do ye ever notice the pup around the shed? Hedgehog likes a hole around the three inch mark. Bigger than a rats, but still surprisingly small. Though what ever's coming round may have enlarged any such hole. Or it may be inside. Or I may be completely wrong on all counts.


But, ye gotta admit; Ye get ye f*ckin moneys worth with me! :laugh:

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Huge black fleas!!! and nooooooo i have not got bitten!!!!!



And they're being found on Dogs who are kept "Most" of their time in the house?


And ye have a 'Fox' which, I'm guessing You're Guessing is a fox? A maybe fox who comes to ye garden each night and is 'scratching at ye shed'? I'd just Love to examine that shed, Charlotte.


I'd love to examine that shed because then I could maybe work out exactly What's being drawn to it. I'd also see the location of this shed. I'd be able to sniff around inside and outside, looking at the ground based edges of this shed.


Think about it: Larger animals don't come scratching round peoples sheds for nothing. Right? They come for food.


So now we have a seemingly 'empty' shed which is attracting a larger predator. What ever attracts that pred' is giving It as hard a time as it must be giving those Dogs of yours. Because none of them have managed to get at it yet. And ye Dogs are suffering from a constant supply of " Huge, black fleas " :hmm:


Ever considered ye may have a Hedgehog under that shed? Might be a fox ~ could even be a badger ~ coming round, trying to get at it. Maybe your smaller pup's managing to get that bit closer to it, during the limited time it gets out there? Do ye ever notice the pup around the shed? Hedgehog likes a hole around the three inch mark. Bigger than a rats, but still surprisingly small. Though what ever's coming round may have enlarged any such hole. Or it may be inside. Or I may be completely wrong on all counts.


But, ye gotta admit; Ye get ye f*ckin moneys worth with me! :laugh:

:laugh::laugh: you should start charging!!!!


The dogs spend 99% of the time outdoors, the only time they are in the house is overnight as we have had a spate of dog thefts in the area.


The shed just stores tools and things....nothing that should attract a fox. I will have a butchers round the shed to check for holes, maybe we have got a hedhog aswell!!!


Im asuming our visitor is a fox?? the sctratch marks on the shed are way too high and big for a cat!!! Infact i blamed the dogs for ages!!!lol :laugh:


Once again thank you for your sound advice!!!!


Ps, Got any tips on making my pup stop barking like she has Tourettes!!!!! Apart from a kick in the teeth!!!lol



Lotte :D

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Best way to get rid of fleas in a house is smoke bomb em with a greenhouse smoke bomb gamma base if poss thats what council will do not to expensive either then if you can get hold of em where you are one or two of them slow release fly and wasp killers that last three months these are guarranteed to kill fleas i used to keep one in the kennel and one in the house all the time [out of the reach of the dogs] saves all the hassle and expense vet put me onto em years ago for doing him a favour its what he used on things like snakes and stuff that dont like baths all told your looking at about a tenner a bit cheaper than most sprays etc ive been lucky this year as i dont let my dog mix but now hes catching they will be back

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Huge black fleas!!! and nooooooo i have not got bitten!!!!!



And they're being found on Dogs who are kept "Most" of their time in the house?


And ye have a 'Fox' which, I'm guessing You're Guessing is a fox? A maybe fox who comes to ye garden each night and is 'scratching at ye shed'? I'd just Love to examine that shed, Charlotte.


I'd love to examine that shed because then I could maybe work out exactly What's being drawn to it. I'd also see the location of this shed. I'd be able to sniff around inside and outside, looking at the ground based edges of this shed.


Think about it: Larger animals don't come scratching round peoples sheds for nothing. Right? They come for food.


So now we have a seemingly 'empty' shed which is attracting a larger predator. What ever attracts that pred' is giving It as hard a time as it must be giving those Dogs of yours. Because none of them have managed to get at it yet. And ye Dogs are suffering from a constant supply of " Huge, black fleas " :hmm:


Ever considered ye may have a Hedgehog under that shed? Might be a fox ~ could even be a badger ~ coming round, trying to get at it. Maybe your smaller pup's managing to get that bit closer to it, during the limited time it gets out there? Do ye ever notice the pup around the shed? Hedgehog likes a hole around the three inch mark. Bigger than a rats, but still surprisingly small. Though what ever's coming round may have enlarged any such hole. Or it may be inside. Or I may be completely wrong on all counts.


But, ye gotta admit; Ye get ye f*ckin moneys worth with me! :laugh:


:D:D Ps, I did not say they spend MOST time in the house, that would be cruel :D:D


Better out than in!!!!!! :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
:laugh::laugh: you should start charging!!!!



I do love. By the Word! My massive bill's in the post! :laugh:



Funny. Those scratch marks; As ye actually describe them as 'Big', it makes me think of our old friend Brock again. Only it's not really a foxes way to scratch like that. But then, frankly, I'd expect if a badger wanted in? He'd bloody well get in!


And why so high up? What would anything be after that's up there? Wasps nest would be the obvious answer. That or a rodents nest, possibly? :hmm:


Anyway, have a GOOD sniff round that shed. Go over it with a fine toothed comb, top to bottom. Inside and out - as I'd be doing. Let us know what ye find.

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:laugh::laugh: you should start charging!!!!



I do love. By the Word! My massive bill's in the post! :laugh:



Funny. Those scratch marks; As ye actually describe them as 'Big', it makes me think of our old friend Brock again. Only it's not really a foxes way to scratch like that. But then, frankly, I'd expect if a badger wanted in? He'd bloody well get in!


And why so high up? What would anything be after that's up there? Wasps nest would be the obvious answer. That or a rodents nest, possibly? :hmm:


Anyway, have a GOOD sniff round that shed. Go over it with a fine toothed comb, top to bottom. Inside and out - as I'd be doing. Let us know what ye find.


Sniff Sniff Sniff.......still looking!! Might put a little cam on it too see what happens, if i catch something i can post the footage!!! :D:D

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I can't say for your area of the world but here in the middle of the US we have a problem with fleas in the ground. I have had rabbits go under the crawl space on the house and infest the ground with fleas and then had them come into the house. That time I set off a pyrethrin flea bomb under the house. I also put a granular flea insecticide on the yard every spring and fall. I used to use dursban or diazanon but I think they took both off the market. So I will be at the mercy of whatever insecticide they have on the market next spring. I use my grass seeder and walk aroung the house spreading it in wide bands to try to cover as much space as possible. It really helps to keep the flea problem under control. I also bathe the rabbit dogs after they have been out running with other fellows packs. Cause most of the times they don't keep their dogs flea free like I try to. If you're dogs are co- mingling with other dogs they may be getting infested that way too. SO here we do as much of the yard as we can afford (around the house), use frontline, and keep a close eye on the dogs after they have been out of our yard. We have not had a flea infestation for years. You can also make a flea trap in the house to see how many you really have in the house by putting a light close to the floor (6 inches or so) and placing a shallow pan with very soapy water in it. Turn the light on at night and the fleas will be drawn to the light and they will get caught in the soapy water and die. It will give you an idea of how many are about and help kill a few. I use dish detergent with water. But make a pretty thick solution.


I really hate fleas. And now you also have a real good chance the dogs will end up with tape worms too!

Good luck!

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Good point Cyndi not many folks realise fleas can live quite happily in the grass etc outside good reason to stay away from parks do the garden a couple of times a year with jeyes fluid does the trick ive seen some bad infestations on our local park

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I use Stronghold, personally. Every couple of years I change to Frontline for a year and then back again just to keep the beggars on their toes.


It will take a while to eradicate them completely as you're trying to break their life-cycle not kill them all in 24 hours. Any flea jumping on the dogs after treatment will die (hopefully before they lay any more eggs)... eventually all the fleas will die out as they are poisoned before they are mature enough to lay.


It does take a little while, and as Moll said you'd do best to hoover and clean like you never did before (OCD or not :tongue2: ). Failing that burn the house down and claim asylum :laugh:


Seriously just stick with it. Stronghold kills fleas, mange, lice and all sorts besides (more than Frontline does) and is therefore worth a try just in case imho. It's only a fiver a dog and you can buy it online if you get a (FREE) prescription from your vets, who will be able to advise you while you're there.


Would be interesting to see footage of that there shed as well, if you ever get round to it :hmm:

Just some observations, good luck!



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