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Great White Hunter

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About Great White Hunter

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 15/04/1975

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  • Interests
    Hunting of any sort .

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  1. Hi Lad  

    I have a  spare charger  if  you need  one  attached is the one I have  its  for a T5 I think . You  can have it  send me your address  and I will post it  if you still need  it 

    charger 1.jpg

    Charger 2.jpg

  2. Old Dog I'm Back . Jasus Old Dog you are getting more crooked every year . I think we will make the trip out to you this year and see how its done in your neck of the woods . Good to see you have not forgotten us yet .
  3. Agree with you Neil holding a wild fox for any length of time it will piss . was watching the clip waiting for the dark patch on the jeans to start
  4. Bull Russel I had a few years ago was a good dog in his day
  5. I make those belts give me the width and length and I can price is up either clipped or Vulcanised joint
  6. He dragged the hounds around the field on the back of a quad when he was after the other hounds and had them tied up to it when the huntsman arrived . Also on facebook he said he would have shot more only he run out of ammo
  7. Very good there footman. Reminds me when I was out with my grandfather my years ago .. Great find. Need to get it onto something I can let him hear it 92 years of age and every Monday morning calls down to see where we hunted and how we got go. I know he would enjoy that radio recording
  8. The Bitch on the Left was given to me last year in the pic she is just under a year old has seen nothing but has a great nose and prey drive . Fingers crossed . I never had a full Lakeland before the dog on the right Grandmother was a full Lakeland and put to a Patterdale dog
  9. Deepest We have been 5.2M on the Bellman . Dug beside farmers house he came out with a light bulb and extension lead there were a few large boulders in the dig . He came round with slings and the tractor to help us . Dug down to find that a hound had dug himself in and the terrier was in behind . the hound >lifted the hound but also took the terrier it was late and we did not want to push our luck with the farmer or having to dig another hole that size
  10. Very good Andy . we will see who sits in the van when me and Oliver come over to you this season
  11. I have the software on a email if you need it PM me
  12. RIP Seamus Coney . Seamus also know as Bill passed away this Morning after a long illness .From the North of Ireland Bill was known all over Ireland and UK with Foxhound Packs and Irish Harriers . He gave our pack so much help and was always there . He will be missed by everyone in the hunting scene in Ireland . A good Friend and huntsman .
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