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Status Replies posted by 6pack

  1. There is a massive outbreak of Travel Sickness at Dale Farm this morning........

  2. Girlfriend dropping hint's about getting married.....Told her the only ring she'll get off me will be a sore one!!e

    1. 6pack


      And they say romance is dead!

  3. BREAKING NEWS------ A farmer in Devon has successfully grown a field of vibrators. Unfortunately, she now has a problem with squatters!!!

  4. The castrated hob thread, the most idiotic reply EVER seen on THL posted

  5. just got home from lurcher link show. what a load of crap. wont go back again!!

    1. 6pack


      Think you must have been at the wrong show! lol.

      Over all winner went to a stunning bullx. We won our rosettes with a Wheaton x and a bitza lurcher!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. just got home from lurcher link show. what a load of crap. wont go back again!!

    1. 6pack


      Why would they want a lurcher to be a pure breed?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. just got home from lurcher link show. what a load of crap. wont go back again!!

    1. 6pack


      It was a lurcher show? Or are you talking terriers?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. just got home from lurcher link show. what a load of crap. wont go back again!!

  9. Off to Ogden, Halifax today for the Fell and Moorland terrier and lurcher show.

    1. 6pack


      Have never been before so couldn't say. It's only showing, no coursing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I have a serious case of CBA this week!

  11. woohoo!! Finally sussed the player on my profile :D

  12. Moving to Barcelona tonight at 3am leaving this shit hole behind lol

  13. When the wheels come down........

    1. 6pack


      And you feel like it's all over

      There's another round for you

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. hadcorelamper is my hero, nobody can rack up the summer numbers like him, and nobody else can spell quite so badly, everyone do your part for care in the community and say a silent prayer tonight, its not his fault!!!!! We should all aspire to be as "special" as him, born in a petrie dish derived from waste from the lion house and some jizz donated by Cornelius from planet of the apes, hail hardcore, he knows the score

    1. 6pack


      Admit it - you appreciate the pointers. It makes you a better person!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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