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Everything posted by keepdiggin

  1. I’d love a nap mate unfortunately doubt I’ll get one lol
  2. Yea I think so but he seemed alright
  3. Last I heard stewie done a max and imported a Thai bird
  4. Nice mate points deducted for crinkle cut oven chips though lol
  5. @WataWalloper is rustybin
  6. That’s pathetic they are probably still a virgin lol
  7. Come one mate let the cat out the bag who is it pm me if you prefer
  8. Imagine how many email addresses he has to make
  9. What saddo has time for two profiles on here
  10. It was actually her chapatis for £3.75
  11. Ok pal I thought you were Sheffield/barnsley
  12. A little garage near howbrook/high green you may know it I think you’re local?
  13. Shame the muslim peado gangs don’t get the same acknowledgment
  14. A scrap yard where I use to live had a kangal guard dog in the 90s got out once and bit someone got it to sleep I reckon he keeps Rottweilers now
  15. Weren’t akitas bred to hunt bear……..lol
  16. lol lol he is funny I just feel abit sorry for him tbh he must be a bit lonely
  17. Weird pretending to be a girl though
  18. Whoever it was they were pretending to be a girl lol
  19. Coventry at home for us very disappointing draw
  20. Definitely Greb
  21. What bet did I back out of last time
  22. Not be long you’ll be calling me dad mate
  23. Yes mate that’s fine with me shall we put it in THL charity?
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