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Everything posted by mick

  1. Some fine looking Corso's there Borat Mick..
  2. mick

    french bulldogs

    Me mates got 2 and his brotheres got 7 Nice enougth dogs but not my cup of tea Mick..
  3. Thats the thing thow There not all fat little barrels Mick..
  4. Allready on series link Mick..
  5. mick

    Best guard dog's

    Looks nice whats the cross Mick..
  6. Sure i saw a litter along thows lines not tolong ago on e pups Was looking at getting a Mal but went for another Bandog as there more laid back and not so wired as a Mal Mick..
  7. Nice set of pictures Is that your dogo pup Mick..
  8. Look nice pups mate (ow no i said nice) Best of luck finding them homes Are you running one on Mick..
  9. Bet he proper shat himself Mick..
  10. very nice dogs Id have one Mick..
  11. Lost a litter last month First one born with a clefpallet 2 stillborn and the last one had been dead for alittle while and had to have a c sectsion to remove it,and had to have the bitch spayed aswell Cost me £750 all in all Mick..
  12. Does the Mal catch alot Mick..
  13. First time ive been to this show and it wont be the last Great day out and some great looking dogs aswell Mick..
  14. I've owned a few for work purposes. They are VERY serious dogs in general and very raw. Not a good choice to put to a running dog unless you’re after two legged quarry I bred a bitch I had to a very good Dutch Sheppard, the male pup I kept cost me allot of money ...... villebones you are 100% on about a dog like that.. Have you got any picture of him Stuntman Know theres been some good breedings with Dutch herder/Bandogs Mick..
  15. Me mates got one of his dogs Shes about 15 now took all that was put infront of her Mick..
  16. mick

    Loged out

    Thats what i thought Mick..
  17. mick

    Loged out

    Loged out but can still read all the topics Sure you had to log in once to read the topics Shouldnt they be locked to stop anyone reading them unless your a member and loged in Mick..
  18. Ive a bitch here nearly 12mths, 28tts , 80lb , shes 5/8 gry x 1/8 x 1/4 bull , her parents were roughly same size , i think the dash of saluki adds good height and length to the mix , stamina , and even more prey drive , especially pre ban , ideal for deer ! look on Mr Poachs gallery to see parents and what i mean . Remember that litter,really wanted one of them but it was the wrong time for me Have you got any pictures of her Mick..
  19. Like the look of that Anyone else working this cross Mick..
  20. Do you know what sort of height he made Neal Mick..
  21. nice dog anyway mate not the usual colour of bandogs either mate Love the colour aswell All me other ones have never been this colour either The dames blue the sire pure white with a red nose Mick..
  22. is that a recent pic mate? Yes hes 12 weeks now Mick..
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