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jeemes last won the day on August 31 2024

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4,498 Excellent

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About jeemes

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    west mids

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  1. I wasnt hungry a minute ago!!
  2. Share your hearts for valentines day with a lovely plate of lambs hearts cooked slowly with there own gravy and mashed potatoes.
  3. That might be ok with the odd rat trying to move in but when you suddenly have a lot move in then its too big a job for a cat or cats. They are too busy shaggin and fighting each other. If one animal sees another as a food source they dont usually wipe them out cos there too busy eating one. Cats by habit dont kill numbers, like terriers do, and if a place is devoid of rats/mice the cats are redundant and so you have to feed them to keep them in which case they dont need to hunt rats and mice are easier for a bit of sport. Get terriers in I say and do the rats and then the cats!! good sport.
  4. Short rib from Morrisons in the slow cooker, delicious and it made some lovely gravy.
  5. Prepped for watching telly.
  6. I think cats are fairly useless as far as large numbers of rats are concerned. Ive watched them in the thermal doing nothing whilst rats are just everywhere. They might do a couple but are too layed back to do numbers. Air rifles or terriers are very effective alternative to expensive poisons.
  7. Ribeye steak n chips for dinner
  8. We worked on a house near Coventry years ago owned by an American lady, who was a quiet private sort of person, but she surprised us all with a large bowl of her own pumpkin pie and whipped cream. It was delicious!!! Well done President Trump!!!
  9. Not being American we dont celebrate Halloween but we do like making Pumpkin soup or rather the wife does.
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