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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. Was out yesterday shootin Rabbits. I had 7 in the morning and then 20 in the evening. We then went out lamping and got another 7 rabbits aswell as 2 cubs and a dog fox quite a day The ground Total before nightfall Foxes Total at end of night was 34 rabbits. Smudge
  2. Like what woodga has, a carpet razor thing? Smudge
  3. :11: They keep goin on about an invasion of arseholes. If everyone from this site went on there, then they might know what an invasion actually is. :11: Smudge
  4. 300 pound a week!! I feckn wish!!! :11: :11: Whats a opinal like peg. Smudge
  5. We'll have t start releasin hares if they laughin at ye :11: I havn't dropd it yet but its rattlin like hell. Keep cringing when i fire it Its a Jackdaw maty. Just a young un like Smudge
  6. Was out thismornin with the shotgun. Was doin a bit of explorin when i came across a feild wi loads of rabbits in it. I shot 13 and a jackie in this feild until i ran out of cartridges. Could have stayed there all day I just got back when the heavens opened and it started pissin it down. Mint timing Below the ford Could get aross the ford so i tryed here. Another no go End of the day bag +2 squirrels that aren't on this photo Smudge
  7. The night before the bull thorn we was in the pub when i went to get another pint, walked through to the bar and there was a load of welsh lads all in full realtree. Amazin how real tree blends in in a pub. Thought theyd moved a load of plants into the bar :11: Smudge
  8. Nice buck that un [bANNED TEXT] Smudge
  9. Trout will eat owt. I seen em eat or try to eat bits of twigs, leaves and even duck feathers. Smudge
  10. It can in dogs if you give em to many eggs gaspode, although its good for there coats in the right amounts. Dunno about ferrets like. Smudge
  11. She did very well on the plough. Her first slip on a hare was around 150 yrd and she lost it in a game crop. She had 3 slips all day and was up the arses of all of them. Smudge
  12. 29 inch deerx grey coursing for the first time on Febuary hares Same dog doing bushwork for Rabbits. Smudge
  13. Jesus, 40p a pound. Where ye go. We get a pound a pound from Yorkshire Game.. Smudge
  14. Aye its gettin better. Its still not properly fixed. Smudge
  15. Montana is a very good fly. Had a 2lb wild brown from a river where if the leader is 5ft its to long. I find on rivers with colour in them the orange thorax works best for the grayling fished in the rolled nymph style. Havn't had much with them on stillwaters but im always using damsels and buzzers on them Smudge
  16. Theres bloody loads here. Carn't move for mixys.
  17. Have ye seen Jims new specs Moley. He can see what he misses now :11: :11: Smudge
  18. Because a dog was seen chasing a fawn in the park paddy. It was a golden yellow colour dog about 26 27 inches and well built. It sounds like a bullx to me. Anyways me boss has gone chasing it now Smudge
  19. Pereagine if thats how ye spell it
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