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About happyferret123

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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 30/06/1990

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  1. My Jill is a tiny Jill, and my hob kit is huge! prob about 4 times her size and he keeps jumping on her. She tells him off but he just keeps jumping on her and biting her. My Jill has been spayed and the kit is only 17 weeks and balls haven't dropped yet- so not in season. I was just worrying as she is constantly running away and he just follows. I'm going to get another Jill. There are already two bed boxes- I might make an area only she can fit into so she can escape him if shes had enough. Thanks for the advice guys!
  2. I have read the post about Older ferrets hurting the kits, and have had that in the past where I have separated. But this time I have the Opposite problem. I bought a hob kit at 8 weeks, he is now 17 weeks old. He has turned into a real bully. I had a Jill who had cancer lump and vet couldn't do anything for her and I found her dead this week. She didn't have any marks on her and I found her in the bed box, so could have been a coincidence but I didn't think she had become that ill yet. But i'm now worrying my hob kit might have caused her to die, he's being a real bully to my other Jill
  3. Or you can get the Jill jab £15 at the vets brings them out of season.
  4. Aye. I've only ever heard a ferret make 3 noises. Hissing, squeaking (not like a mouse, but I'm not sure how to describe it), and what I would call "chuntering". Some more experienced guys and those who have kept far more generations of ferrets may offer more. I've heard mine hiss when they found a rat, and they chunter when they are excited or know they're getting fed occasionally. Guess different ferrets make different noises? Some of mine hiss when they are eating, carrying the food or squabbling over meat. Mine chunter as well when they get excited and are playing together.Lol what's chun
  5. Great looking hutch! I know what you mean about keeping them in a small area, not fair on them. I only have two ferrets but they have a massive hutch! I bought one of those wheels off leeview, they are really well made. I was really happy with it, definately worth the money. My jill uses it all the time, but my hob rather use the hammock!
  6. Petsathome is really expensive. the last lot i bought was from homebargins shop sooo much cheaper!
  7. I personally wouldn't keep one by itself. ~They are sociable animals and like interaction. They can entertain themselves more if you have more than one, keep each other warm in the winter.
  8. I give mine James Wellbeloved you can pick it up at The Range.
  9. *nice cage btw, looks like they'll have a lot of fun in there.
  10. Might be good to do first introductions out of the hutch. Somewhere none of them have been before. I had problems when I bought a new hutch I put my hob in there while he was separated off from the girls (while in season) when I tried putting the girls in with him he was really funny about the hutch, like they were stealing it. Aggressive towards them. So I took him out and let them have the new hutch for a couple of days and then put him in with them later and had no probs. So perhaps do first introductions away from the hutch, then put the new one into their hutch for a bit so it can
  11. I've been to three different vets now one in cheltenham/ two Bournemouth and never paid a consultation fee. I've never paid more than £12 per jab.
  12. They are great wheels. I bought one off him. Very happy with it.
  13. Sorry to hear about your Jill, Hope you get her back. Mine are Microchipped. Cost £15 for two, and if anyone takes them, then takes them out hunting and abandons them or they end up at a rescue I would have a chance of getting them back.
  14. Sorry don't have one. The best bet is putting another post for a vasectomised hob to borrow on this page or in the for sale section on this forum. Or contact a local rescue... http://suffolk-ferrets.co.uk/for_sale.htm http://www.norfolkandsuffolkferretclub.co.uk/contact-us.php Often they will allow you to take your Jills in to take them out of Season for a donation. Otherwise FerretlifeUK facebook page often offer up services of there Hobs Otherwise you could Get another hob and get him a vasectomy, not cheap, but worthwhile in the long run. ..
  15. It's a vasectomised Hob you want. Vasectomised hobs have there tubes tied, means he still feels the 'urge'. Neutered hobs have the balls cut off and they won't do a thing, apart from keep your Jills company!
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