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Everything posted by kegs

  1. was up in antrim there at your show in the summer and there were some proper fast little dogs at it,there should be a few of them able for the competition id say
  2. think ill see you there fella ive started huntin this week but ill take a run up to you wth a couple of the lads and dogs
  3. was it not changed as the winner of the working class already had a dog in the final
  4. now thatll be the day that man has an excuse for everything his first posts about the show slated another fair,but thats ok he had 180 stands NOT id still like to know why i had to pay 5 euro and the lad from the north parked beside me payed 3 sterling as the last time i checked they were near the same ? why was the lurcher judge not in for dog of the day? 700 lurcher people at 15 ahead plus 5 euro a class per dog =A NICE DAYS PAY BUT THEY MAKE NO MONEY albert i went to your show and on the grand scale of it had a good enough day but for you to start slating any show it boils my p*ss
  5. now thatll be the day that man has an excuse for everything his first posts about the show slated another fair,but thats ok he had 180 stands NOT id still like to know why i had to pay 5 euro and the lad from the north parked beside me payed 3 sterling as the last time i checked they were near the same ? why was the lurcher judge not in for dog of the day? 700 lurcher people at 15 ahead plus 5 euro a class per dog =A NICE DAYS PAY BUT THEY MAKE NO MONEY albert i went to your show and on the grand scale of it had a good enough day but for you to start slating any show it boils my p*ss
  6. Seen a flyer for this a while back its a long way for me but i might go for the craic. if people turn up it looks like it could be good,best of luck lads and fair dews for the idea you could be on a winner.hope to see you there if the wife lets me go :kiss:
  7. Tom is a gentleman nothing else,i met him a couple of years back and a few times since,doohan also a gent met him at shanes castle this year,although they both wear dresses they are good lads in my experience.it doesnt matter how many shows youve judged ,its the way you do each one as i know of men and women who have judged 50 and are still no good and ive seen first time lads be brilliant.you have to know a dog. The only happy people on the day are usually the winners anyway. As far as i see fair play to any person who gives it a go as its a hard job and you get no thanks so far as i see
  8. judges,how many shows have the antrim club actually got a judge that wasnt in their club The club have been running shows for 28 years and few if any of the shows have been judged by club members. I responded to Neil Cooney who attacked our organisers and our fairs and make no apology for doing so. He described our organisers as a joke and I responded in like vein about Ballinlough which he judged. I didn't make the claim that Ballinlough had 180 stands I queried it. The organisers claimed it had grown - from my reports it had gone back massively in crowds. I certainly reserve the
  9. I like most am sick of this my show is better than your show rubbish,i am new to all this web stuff but by nomeans to the field.ive ran and dug dogs for twenty years although i dont dig like i used to.i dont want to be famous but you talk of winning.ive showed my dogs and won both sides of the border and the water and ive also judged at show and gamefair.some people will know me but most people wont but im happy with that. ive been to all irish fairs they all have there faults albert but why you feel the need to pick out another shows is beyond me when your own is far from perfect befor
  10. hi lads new to here but not to shows ill be up to it see you there
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