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Status Updates posted by judge2010

  1. 8 weeks work in cardiff start of september!

    1. Lab


      see you there then buddy....23rd!!!....;-)

    2. welshhound2


      let us know when your down we'l have a pint or two and i will introduce you to a real woman

    3. welshhound2


      let us know when your down we'l have a pint or two and i will introduce you to a real woman

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. 8pm channel 5 tonight looks decent

  3. A bullmastiff's got looose (not mine) in the local woodland and killed two greyhounds, will be carrying the stun gun with me in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tb25


      i think we all no its his bull what has got out on gone feckin crazy....f****n chavs...

    3. tb25


      i think we all no its his bull what has got out on gone feckin crazy....f****n chavs...

    4. rob190364


      maybe, plenty of stories of greyhounds killing smaller dogs though...you'd be a bit pissed if your mastiff got pts when all it was doing was defending itself! all I'm saying is...don't assume!

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  4. a day for cold beer........and fanny.

  5. a girls best friend is a diamond.....a mans best friend is his dog

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      well mine is my kids and dogs a diamond would be a bonus lol

    2. judge2010
    3. wyliecoyote


      rather my dog than a diamond

  6. A good friend will come bail u out of jail but a TRUE friend will be sittin next 2 u sayin.. "DAMN WE f****d UP!"

  7. a piece of ear wax has just fell out my ear the size of half a fruid salad sweet

  8. a piece of ear wax has just fell out my ear the size of half a fruid salad sweet

    1. Kay


      I can quite believe you would as well..lol

    2. Lab


      oh dear the last scrap of brain has finally left the building.....lol

    3. spec


      but does it taste as nice as one?

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  9. A Polish bloke goes to have his eyes tested! The optician sits him down and holds up a board with the letters awckickizckwiezcki and ask the polish bloke if he can read the letters out in that order,The Pole replies "Read them? I know him!"

  10. A staffy's just been knocked over by a lorry outside my mums road, crazy fuckers ran off unhurt. Some stupid owners about

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Lab


      I'm not in the huff ya orange c**t.....lol

    3. judge2010


      Remember lab its not about sex, its about power & control

    4. Lab


      I wont be phoning any of your 'advice' lines judge....i can only imagine!!!

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  11. A young Korean couple are lying in bed when the guy starts farting continuously."That's disgusting!" shouts the girl."It's the dog," proclaims the guy. "Don't blame him," she replies, "he was cooked perfectly."

  12. A young Korean couple are lying in bed when the guy starts farting continuously."That's disgusting!" shouts the girl."It's the dog," proclaims the guy. "Don't blame him," she replies, "he was cooked perfectly."

  13. Accept nothing nearly right, or good enough

  14. addicted to kitkats.

    1. scothunter


      used to like them judge,sickened myself with them.tinnocks caramel logs im on now lol

    2. blackstaff
    3. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      so you like the 4 fingers best then lol

  15. adios amigo's

    1. rob190364


      tb's been kidnapped by a gang of prozzies who've heard he's been spreading nasty rumours about them.

    2. tb25


      lol just got back on carnt seem to get on woth my comp

    3. rob190364


      bloody commodore 64's!!!


    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. agreed to fitting a kitchen for free tonight what an idiot

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Malt


      I used to hate it when mates pulled me up on stupidly cheap rates I'd given them when full of beer! :(

    3. judge2010


      tell me about it pal its not the first time i've done it either lol

    4. Malt


      I skimmed a whole room in a period house for £30 once, ceiling and all. the walls were 9ft high too! Soft cnut that I am.. lol

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  17. always expects the worse...im never disappointed

  18. amanda holdon on britans got talant? haha what a joke. I would bum her though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. judge2010


      i knew one of you liked to visit brown street

    3. Lab


      I bet you touched a few nerves bigdog......and a fair few cocks as well!!...lol

    4. judge2010
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Amy childs is stunning!

    1. long dogs
    2. judge2010


      her tits are the best i've seen.

    3. markmccann


      her tits are huge,id love to oil them up yum yum

  20. another 23 rats at rother vally, my staffs doing me proud.

    1. rocky1
    2. hickymick


      mmmm close to me but where?lol

  21. another day in the office......

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