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Status Updates posted by tubba

  1. My Mrs is going to love me. Me and the boys have just cut the christmas tree up in the lounge and we are out of hoover bags. Oh well shit happens..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kay


      oh dear your going to have to get her a bagless one now..lol

    3. gwendevine


      sounds like summat my tilfertilfer would do lol

    4. tubba


      Just swept it under the sofa! She will find it when im at work hopefully.

  2. My new jack pyke wellies are leaking ahhh

  3. Is drinkin Newcastle Brown Ale a bit to fast.

  4. Off quad biking with the kids

  5. The quiet man.... Wat a film...

  6. I hope everyone in Japan is ok, only the last time i had 9 aftershocks i couldn't find my fu**ing house either...

  7. Kennels all cleaned out time for a brew...

  8. Off to lay a few more bricks.....

  9. come on ENGLAND.....

  10. kids party later at the playbarn woo.

  11. Rain, Rain, Rain always when you want to do something.

  12. Anyone know how to get epoxy resin off your hands? Other than a stanley blade.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bull101


      altro whiterock solvent


    3. tubba


      cheers baw! lol

    4. gavin88


      theres a product called sticky stuff dont know if that will be any gd

  13. Squirreling tommorrow woo....

    1. gamerooster


      you must be nuts.lol.

  14. Is beer bad...

    1. geoff75


      only if you get a bad pint it,ll give you a headache next day

  15. BEER....

    1. CarraghsGem


      there ahead of ya, and scored some permission as well!

  16. just tried me lamp and it aint workin any ideas its a lightforce striker

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tubba


      Cant see nothing wrong with it. proper pissed me off


    3. FightTheBan


      Unscrew the female adapter(battery side) and check the soldering hasnt broken (very common). Thenm do the same with the cigarette adapter on the lamp. If not it could be fuse, bulb, wiring or anything in between. But check the first two things first, most common and easily fixed.

    4. tubba


      Sorted fuse blown in cigar lighter end. Phew

  17. At home with the wife and kids all with the flu nice.

  18. Anyone watching Bruce?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tubba


      Brill aint it.

    3. Simoman
    4. tubba


      Mint that was imagine banger racing one of them fu**ers. lol


  19. Top gear is awesome.

    1. tb25


      and on that bombshell.........

  20. Bin and broke a few clays.

  21. Just been out on the bike with the dogs in tow. Man its fresh.

  22. Pizza Hut has ruined me...

  23. love's thai. Women that is.....

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