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Everything posted by CO CHISE

  1. good pics, theres afew old buildings and farms around me that are listed but sadly when theve been derelict for yrs and the roofs have been stripped and then set a light the odd one gets knocked down, cracking building when you look at them and the hours of graft that must of gone into them putting them up to last all this time,
  2. :clapper: thanks for the warning, ile keep an eye out for him
  3. there was no need to dispatch her so she was let to run,
  4. i gave a pal a call bird on monday, he had a couple of maggies since and then woke up to this fine looking vixen this morn, ha
  5. shite can i have it as ive abit of graveling to finish of in garden, after ive smashed it to bits it'll prob finish the job of for me, in all fairness pal there not that bad for a first attempt, keep at it, you'll only get better and good luck with it, atb
  6. gutted for you pal, i know how you must feel, i lost a bitch in the same way afew yr back but mine decided to chase a roe over motorway, roe made it but the bitch didnt, atb pal
  7. 3 o clock , ide been there since 10 cos my pal wanted to run his dog and it said they had to be booked in before half 10 but you could book em in well after that, when the hare broke down and then they started the ferret racing and no judging looked like it was going to start it was time for me to do one, very good turn out thou and good to meet up with afew old faces but i didnt rate it at all,
  8. what a set up, full credit to you, cracking looking birds , atb
  9. Nobody else is called The King for good reason. what about this "miracle" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqQasoWm7Kg now i know where i get my moves from and also know now why all lasses do one while im strutting my stuff in night club dont mind abit of elvis also myself
  10. cant beat abit of ratting and watching the young uns getting involved, they did well, it was very slow to start with till we hit the bails and then we got abit of action, but i think higun is right about your bitch with a shock collar on for every time she kicks of, or even a no 6
  11. you've had some good doo's this year, well done lads and a specialy to the little dogs with big hearts, tidy set of workers you have between yourselfs, think you win the HTL HERO'S title hands down with the posts you've put up on pest control, enjoyed reading them, atb
  12. well today i thought ide have a hour round farm, this bit of land holds quite afew bunnys, the earth are in hedge rows deviding fields and are a distance from one another where some of the bunnys have to run a fair way across the fields to hit another earth or the woods, i thought it would be bang on for flying hawk at them, well they would of been if the hawk wanted to take them, i bolted a good 8 in a row with the hawk missing them all and even not atempting to go for some of them ? once he missed them he wouldnt attempt to go for them again, he bolwed one over and didnt get a firm grip and
  13. thanks pal, on my first post i got advised to give it away as i new nothing about them, i understand that homework should be done realy before getting any live stock no matter what it is, i look after anything to the best i can, other wise i wouldnt keep them, im happy with how things have gone and it'll have plenty more outings out for me and the harris to enjoy, atb
  14. thanks for the comments, im into other pest control but never had the chance to have ago with the birds or pray side or gane any experience with them, i have been thrown in the deep end with them but ive tried my best with it and ive enjoyed it, at first i was shitting my self thinking it was just going to do one when i let it of, i just walked on and he followed me, i was pleased with how it went, im hoping to get him alot more fitter then hopefully we'll have some fun,
  15. CO CHISE


    had my first outing this aftie with the harris, ive owned this bird for around 4wks, to be honest im very green at this game but ive been spending abit of time with the bird when i can and getting what advice i can from the lad who gave me it, i was struggling at first to drop the birds weight as i was feeding it way too much but ive managed to get it close to what it flys best at, ive had the bird flying a good 20/30 yrd to me daily, the bird isnt fully fit i wouldnt of thought but today i gave it a quick hour out as i was itching to give it a go, the bird has hunted but not for a while, i t
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