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About dabigmc

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    hunting and fishing.....lurchers, terriers and hounds....how could ya go wrong !

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  1. Checked that bull x lure out there.....all sold out! And your right, pricey ? How they sold any is beyond me
  2. Anyone still making or selling a mechanical lure for greyhounds/lurchers? Please pm if u are.
  3. Know this is a long shot.....but here goes! ONLY APPLIES TO LADS IN IRELAND I'm on the look out for a terrier bitch that is too big for earthwork. Maybe someone has a half bred bull x pat, full bull or something along them lines that has out grew their nature of work. I could offer a good home to the right bitch. If this suits anyone contact me through pm. I'm sure this post will be bombarded with key board warriors.....by all means type away if you'll get a kick......get some enjoyment out of it!
  4. I bought pulse online from a store in America last year! Cost me £170, new! Only catch was, cutom fees were near same price as box.....so I got it delivered to a relative in America, luckily enough who was coming to visit ireland a couple weeks later! Custom fees avoided, great box at a great price! Think he also could have posted it himself as a gift, avoiding custom fees too! So there you go, the big price tag of the box can be avoided!
  5. It's on the mirror web page, www.mirror.co.uk, The title is " Stormont must act NOW to outlaw all forms of animal cruelty "
  6. i don't know how to attach link, but we need as much support as possible to vote "NO" They are claiming that all forms of hunting leads to dog fighting!!!
  7. Jwhizz420, I'm guessing u have used braid urself then, to have encountered such devasting consequences? Mayb, how I use my lure to the way you use yours is different? IMO the basic principle is to keep the lure infront of the dogs, and run it off at the last minute at an amost 90% angle, resulting in the dogs going straight on and the lure running safely and controlled under a piece if old carpet??? well this is how I use mine! Anyway, like I said, I have done this without any fatal or crippling effects for Over 2 years...so I must be very lucky!
  8. Well iv Ben using it for over 2 years on mine and had no problems! But each to their own I suppose!
  9. I use fishing braid line on mine, IMO ya can't beat it! Very strong and very thin....you can pick up 300m of 150lb strain for a tenner on ebay!
  10. Could you find out if they deliver to or have a supplier in Northern Ireland? I would ring the number but I'm abroad, and can't ring that number! Thanks.
  11. I use mine for the terriers! Why steel? Because it wil never break when u need them the most, the extra weight of the steel helps it cut through the ground! For ferreting, if you get a nice small tidy spade head and weld on short stainless steel shaft and handle, it will be as light as any, but much stronger! Horses for courses....but I know what I will be sticking with!
  12. Take the spade head off a builders spade, bring it to a welder, ask him to trim 8-10" off the length and weld on a hollow steel shaft + handle.....to your required length....simples! Will last a life time! If you want to be really particular get him to weld on 1" x 4" plate either side of the shaft at the top of the spade head, this is for pressing down/stepping on, saves your boots and feet on ice cold days on hard ground! Sub total = 10 quid Or alternatively Pay big bucks and order something which won't be as good
  13. To add, I've had mine two seasons now....I walk the dogs every nite on Tarmac road for four miles, out every Sunday beating and digging, and use them for on the boat and fishing.....they like the day I bought them! Warmest, most comfortable, strong wellie I have ever had.....and iv went thru all the dear ones!
  14. http://www.killeenhardware.co.uk/clothing-and-footwear/vtech/vital/ICE-PACK Check these out.....I would bet my life on them......they are the best pair of wellies I have ever bought!
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