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Everything posted by Polkey

  1. Is that to give his turd the 'totally tropical taste'
  2. I dont know about poo but I have a 5 month old cocker and he is by far the greediest dog I have ever had or known, he was the runt and it shows, only chews food if he cant swallow it, jumps up and down like a gazelle when its dinner time and has to be fed away from the lurcher as he eats sooooo fast then will push the lurcher out the way and guzzle as much as poss as quick as poss. Absolutely obsessed with food, drives me potty at times. I always thought it was labs that were greedy but my lad could give the worst of them a good run for the money lol.
  3. I love his colouring, if im in town we get stopped by so many people because of it, would love to see a white one!
  4. Thanks for the kind replys Hollie and Wollop, nice looking dogs Have yet to try him on the lamp, just started introducing him to day time stuff, not planning on rushing anything, nice and steady as he is my first lurcher we both got a lot to learn. As far as head strong goes he never gives me any probs but likes to test the wife and he likes to run around like a loony some times but i think he is just letting off steam and then he settles in gets his head down and starts hunting up, lovely to watch him like. Wouldnt be with out him! Just recently got a working cocker pup for bushing whic
  5. He's is fast, only 13 months and getting faster Second photo was taken a few weeks ago on the way up Old man Coniston!
  6. Thought I would put a pic up of my beddy/wippet, hope it works.
  7. Thanks for the replies all, its reassuring to hear others have had similar experience. I think I will try the long lead first, not so keen on the lecky collar but if he dont get it then im willing to give anything a go and if I have to shock his arse to keep horse and dog safe then so be it but fingers crossed that wont be needed.
  8. Got a phone call at work today from the wife in a not so good mood. She had just got back from walking the dogs but had not got far as my beddy wippet had been a right arse. They entered into the first field on the usual walk (we have permission around a few acres) which rises up a big hill, as the wife started around the edges she spotted a horse that had got out of the neighboring field, not sur how but there it was. She called the dogs back to put them on leads but the beddy/wippet was off like a rocket straight for the horse. Chased the poor thing, whilst barking all the way to the top of
  9. I have recently got a cocker puppy for bushing, only 16 weeks and he just naturally wants to get in the bushes and have a good bash around, noes down head first. I thought about a terrier and would still like one when the wife agrees but Im well impressed with this little fella. Cant wait to see him start pushing stuff out to the lurcher
  10. dry food the equivalent is microwave processed meals RAWRAWRAWRAWRAWRAW all the way I agree but I keep the dry food for those days when I forget to get the meat out the freezer That said I think its the same as humans, good to have a healthy diet but the odd bit of junk aint gonna hurt ya.
  11. I have a cocker and a beddy/wippet, some days mine are on Betta other days raw meat and veg some days they are realy lucky and get left over lamb stew, depends on how much exercise they have had but I try and keep it balanced and interesting. The raw meat could be anything from rabbit, beef mince or the butchers special which is a mix up of all the left overs, meat offal the lot. They love it and look great for it.
  12. I agree with this, especially with regards to stressing it more. It just makes the dog scared of taking a crap and scared of you, Not the way to build a good bond with your dog. I hope you manage to agree, its not easy when you have conflicting views.
  13. Hi All, Im wanting to get some insurance for first time, can anyone recommend a good company please? Cheers
  14. Any pics of the parents mate?
  15. HI, I am just about to apply for my FAC and would like to get my SGC at the same time as its cheaper. I am a member of a rifle club and am trying to get land permission, ( have been offered some but not moving to the area for a while yet but they got a hare problem and asked if I would like to help them with it ) Anyways, I will be applying to use the rifle at the club and wont be shooting on land for a while so is it worth asking for the SGC so I can shoot a few clay pigeons until I have permission some were I can use it or not? Cheers.
  16. Dont worry fella, I know if you put a post up your open to peoples advice/opinions thats why I put it up. Some times it helps to look at it from another angle (empathy) and work out if there is abetter way to do things so all advice/ criticism is welcome if its going to make me and my dog better hunters in the long run.
  17. As with the other guys, I agree with what your saying and my pup has been meeting lots of workers on his trips out, thats why I have been taking him were I have as most days we come across a couple of people with working lurchers and terriers and sometimes they mob the pup a bit but I know its good for him and he is coming on great with it but this was just OTT. Maybe I am over reacting but was not prepared to take the risk this time, I think you get a feel from a situation and I just was not happy with it.
  18. agreed never pick your dog up, Just let them sniff it, it's called socialisation. Well I gotta be honest, I did panic thats why I picked him up. I can see what your saying about socialization and totally agree as its a big part of a dogs development and training and its great to see but not like this, letting your dog run wild is just plain irresponsible.
  19. I was out walking my new pup today not far from Newcastle, been building his walks up and found a few nice fields and bridal paths to run around on. This is my first working dog (whippet/beddie) so have been really enjoying the daily outings. We were running around at the bottom of this field and out of the corner of my eye I spotted something moving towards us very fast, it was three bloody massive lurchers, what looked like two saluki x and a big bull x going full pelt. They came out of no where and gave my pup the fright of his life, I picked my pup up to be on the safe side. They then star
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