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About tbar

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    Born Hunter

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  1. have to admit credit to the breeded who has commented here,,,,,, for keeping the line so tight , for all the dogs i had in my kennel and believe me some good some not so good that little black dog was up there with the very best and we had some belters lol........... good digging
  2. can anyone remember blackdog collars


    1. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      I've still got a couple of his bridle leather collars, he's retired now mate

  3. Send me your mobile numbeŕ plz if scope still available
  4. good luck tomorrow Del and Michelle i'm working [BANNED TEXT]
  5. hope victoria and kids ok and doing well big daddy peter chufffed too bits all good bobby happy times congrats too u and all ur family from ann and me
  6. dytkos....just coming on 9 this was his last season before retiring him......... lets say from my part well deserved...
  7. yep I agree vents on doors would have been enough I reckon
  8. hope its first of many for her mate
  9. sent you a message mate looking for contact number
  10. Good looking pups .put then up again in a month or so lol atb with them
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