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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Did they not have postmen in East London then? A lot of the lads Ive known from round that Area wouldnt want a straight days work if it was offered to them.One of my pals up there even told me its a mugs game working for somebody else.
  2. And then they have to put up with a load of little C**ts and a lot of the time the spastic parents that have produced the little c**ts.My sister in law is a head mistress and the ammount of shit she gets from parents along the line of.My Chelsea/Brooklyn aint doing a detention,I said she can wear a shirt that barely cover her arse rather than the mandatory knee length and a face full of makeup.Or he can wear a hoodie and trainers instead of a blazer and shoes and its none of your business if they're smoking or vaping if they're outside the school gates.My missus had a phone call the other week
  3. What generation are you then J?Im sure theres not a massive gap between us age wise and I know shit loads of lads I grew up with that all did apprentiships and went on to become tradesmen and none of us have any problems finding work and decent paid work at that.Tell you what though try finding a youngster these days that is prepared to do an hours graft let alone a days.Weve had lads come with us that have been in college/apprentiships for nearly a year and havnt even picked up the basics and spend all day creeping off somewhere to look at snapchat or instagram thats if they even bother hidi
  4. I didnt want to go to school from 14 even though I could be academic so my old man said get a job then instead of saying get your arse to school.Ive been the complete opposite.My daughter is autistic and is practically non verbal with anybody she doesnt know well and trust but is doing extremly well at grammer school.But I made sure she knew her alphabet,Could count well into double figurës,could write her own name and read small words long before she started primary school.I would practice her weekly spellings and times tables at primary.I make sure the first thing she does is her homework an
  5. People wont do that though mate.Theyd sooner just moan and pass blame.If people from absolute shit holes can get a degree off the back of hard work then theres no reason why anybody cant get one in a country where everybody has the right to a free education.
  6. Im pretty sure everyone in this country has the opportunity to get an education if they can be bothered.
  7. Expensive to run compared to a tube.Especially with energy prices these days mate
  8. Thats what I was getting at mate when I said I thought fixing them in the top would be a waste.Under the floor or low down the heat will rise and the dog will get more benefit.Same as when using a heat mat/pad
  9. Only thing I see which could be a problem is you're saying you'll have the tube at the top of the box.Them tubes dont throw heat out like a heat lamp and as heat obviously rises you might end up with any heat from the tube just staying in the top area of the box.
  10. Ive been doing some building work for a fella who does a lot of ornate blacksmithing/fabrication.Fancy gates/railings etc.He was showing me the chinese induction forget that he uses.Peoper clever bit of kit and not overly expensive from what he was telling me
  11. Too busy weighing and measuring them
  12. What happened to your XL Bully?
  13. Do you have an XL Bully then?thought you only had an old lurcher
  14. Mate I had pitbulls for years and it wouldnt bother me if they banned bandogs too.I dont feel the need to walk mine in busy public places to show off or stick it all over Facebook or Instagram to try and boost stud fees or puppy sales rather than get a proper job.I'll just keep my nut down and carry on walking mine over the fields like Ive always done
  15. Wouldn't be a bad thing if they banned the top2 as well.f***ing pressas poxy rank dominant liabilities.And 99% ABs want shooting just because they're bags of shit
  16. People who write a load of old bollocks and then write fact at the end of it.Oh well it must be true then as youve wrote fact
  17. Is that what Landrover driver are doing when they're having one life and living it?? I always think,If you're idea of living life is chugging down the road listening to your stupid nobbly tyres,freezing cold,wondering if you're gunna get another mile without breaking down then you need to get out more
  18. Ive always used Epsom Salts 2 or 3 days is usually enough.Can give them the shits though so if the bitch lives in the house it could be risky
  19. And then theres the Carp fishing.Now you wouldnt catch me dead sat round a poxy lake for days on end over here listening to a load of boring fat c**ts going on about their new bite alarms or secret flavour boilies.But Thailand is another matter.Laid on a sun lounger under a bamboo shelter.Some little f****r bringinging you cold Singha's and pad thai for a couple of baht tip,Even putting your baht on for you.Almost guaranteed a whopper every hour and when you do get one near the bank you can even send the little f****r in the late to grab it for you.And when you get bored of that just jump on y
  20. Exactly.Ive been out there a few times since the 90s and never gone out there to get with a thai bird or shag a bar girl.The usual comments you hear about shagging ladyboys or finding a thai brides normally come from people who've never been anywhere more exciting than an all inclusive in spain
  21. Thailand isnt really third world.Yes theres poor areas the same as any other country but theres also places dripping in money.You say theres so many other beautiful places,What makes you think that there isnt beautiful places in Thailand?Its not all paddling fields and run down slums
  22. I suppose if you're in your 40s or 50s and recently divorced etc you might not have been out on the pull for 10/20/30years or may have kids and not get the opportunity to go out every weekend to find someone.Or it may have been so long that you dont have the confidence.Maybe some people just find it an easy way to meet like minded people.
  23. Exactly that mate.I had people telling me the other night"Yeah but Ngannau is a top fighter and can really throw a punch"My answer was "Mo Farrah is a really good runner but I dont want to sit and watch him race Usain Bolt let alone waste 20quid on it.And you're correct that Fury couldnt get away with his usual lean and wear down tactic with an 18st bloke whos game is is partly made up of clinching and grappling
  24. I dont think any serious mma fan believes that an mma can beat a boxer in a boxing match same as a boxer wont stand a chance in an mma cage.Of course you'll get dellusional idiots on both sides.I find it quite funny just how many people have been suckered into paying money for this whole fiasco.I was at a party the other night where everyone was gunna watch the fury/Ngannau nonsense once it started.As soon as everyone started getting ready I took that as my cue to f**k off home and get my head down.
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