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Everything posted by matulkoh

  1. stupid task, badger work is forbiden by law in UK, IE. if the lads still got workin one they won t present it.
  2. buy new mammut barryvox pulse 3.00 and new BF collar. best kit you can buy. mammut box is available if you want, just write me pm.
  3. i still got the boxes for 300eur. my mail matej@nornik.sk all boxes got worldwide guarantee
  4. 300eur from me, plus shipping matej@nornik.sk
  5. When you have 100 people wanting pups and you only have 3 or 4 pups the price automatically goes up. Just because you sell a dog for $1000 it does not mean that you are a bad person. Todd i did the same. i gave pups for FREE, i made pup exchange, most of them i sold for 200e, but i also sold pup over 1000eur, guy wanted the certain dog, do not want any other from the litter wanted to have the certain one and offer the money. am i a bad person or dog seller. i don t think so.
  6. thats a very nice pup you have mate looks like he has a nice tight coat on him , i really like his farther if that's him in the picture no its mum but you can find his sire here
  7. i cleared it, so try it again, or better send me email. matej@nornik.sk
  8. i m still doing it, i just sent last one to Uk, hope it ll be there by wednesday, i can get some boxes next week, no problem. send me pm i ll ll forward you my bank account in the moment i ll received money i got sms so your box can beshipped that or following day.
  9. patroller formaly X1, 3 antenas, very quick, range i think was 130ft, quite quick, good box for good money. quicker than the first DSP, but there were some newer softwares so i wouldn t say better tha DSP ( much cheaper) DSP Advanced was reply to S1 and Pulse. Buy the way i do not know why BF did not switch to DSP Advanced and still use the old DSP box. ( it was first 3 antenas box). i ve got pattroler in orange color and sold it to my friend who is really satisfied. to write more about S1, i ve got 2 boxes, the first models, very good box, really fast. what i do not like is V style and you
  10. have you used the s1 matulkoh? yes i did with ortovox collar.
  11. freeride will work BUT? no direction smaller range, slower update. NO THANKS. i m digging in huge sets the big ones, i wont be running a round like a fool to find my dog. he s more valuable than Pulse so freeride no way. i d rather by older pulse, s1, d3, x3, opto 3000 thera are many options.
  12. £262.791 a very good price ,i paid £300 and would pay it again. barryvox also make the new bellman collar plus shipping but i think it arround 6 to 10 pounds. world wide servis 5 y guarantee whats the difference with this new software stuff on the barryvox? mine works perfectly im just interested in whats new... i think it s more accurate and quicker, the cross is changing from igger to smaller..... how much does this cost? i m selling it for 300eur plus shipping, i spoke to post today and shipping to uk ( with assurance for 400eur) is 24eur so tatal price
  13. £262.791 a very good price ,i paid £300 and would pay it again. barryvox also make the new bellman collar plus shipping but i think it arround 6 to 10 pounds. world wide servis 5 y guarantee whats the difference with this new software stuff on the barryvox? mine works perfectly im just interested in whats new... i think it s more accurate and quicker, the cross is changing from igger to smaller.....
  14. £262.791 a very good price ,i paid £300 and would pay it again. barryvox also make the new bellman collar plus shipping but i think it arround 6 to 10 pounds. world wide servis 5 y guarantee
  15. £262.791 a very good price ,i paid £300 and would pay it again. barryvox also make the new bellman collar plus shipping but i think it arround 6 to 10 pounds.
  16. it s funy how many of lads prefere Barryvox box, 4y ago i was the first person here who started to use different box . by the way i m still doing the Barryvox boxes. the price is 300eur per box. latest model with 3.00 firmware so if you are interested in just send me mail matej@nornik.sk
  17. the one i kept for my self nearly 4month and very small but good bones on him, hope he ll be as good as his father or at least as mum.
  18. i got the last barryvox pulse 3.00 and new bf collar and it works superbly. Best kit that money can buy.
  19. Hi Craig, you can write me or ask if y got any other question. i like Hary and i m heppy he got my 3 beddy pups. i hope they ll make me proud. Matej
  20. Hi SWJ, how are the pups out of Milly and Tag doing? i bred my dog to his daughter got 6 pups ( dogs) out of her, i kept the smallest one the other went to working homes. just the future tell us if the earn thier shelter and food. Matej
  21. Harry van Beek is friend of mine, he wors his dogs regularly, he dig badgers in germany but arround 200fox in his home. most of his dogs are from ronny cloots which is nutal line. but he got dog from Slovakia which is well bred boots, nutal line. proper worker, i worked the ancastors of this dog. so if you are interested in Patts i just can recomend his dogs.
  22. I've been told by a few different lads that the BarryVox and the B&F collar is the best combination to use. How much is the BarryVox box going for these days? barryvox pulse version 3.00 the latest ne and the best here in Slovakia 379eur in shop. i bought 2 boxes, i ve got pulse box before but i decided to buy with new firmware and it s better. i also buy bf rechargable collar, and it s the best kit that money can buy.
  23. sorry mate just read the post again and seen that your asking this question sorry. jon Our international artificial den trail is on 19-21 June.
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