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Everything posted by huckelberry

  1. i got one of those and that one is indeed more slim design. also i think the later magnetic colars mainly stop functioning because of the magnetic switch after some years of use i sill hope that in the near future an even more slim design would be available though.
  2. the market for a new ferret finder could be better if the collar would have a more slim design than te deben collars. there might not be that many bunnnies. but there will not be a shortage of rats. and for the narrow rat burrows the deben collars where to big most of the times. the collar coud be made more slim if they woud use a slim 3v button cell. and not stack the print on top of it but rather use it next to it. i would love it if someone could make such a thing. doesn't anybody here have good contacts in china? getting a few deben finders there and make them
  3. i do a lot of ratting with my ferrets and dogs. i now use an old wing of a fyke. i use the netting not to really get the rats tangeld up in it but just to prevent the rats to go from one hiding place to the next. i bought some netting on alliexpress and treid to make a long net from that. and it does work fine for sttopping the rats. but the netting is so light that it is blown up by the wind. and it rippes to easy when my dogs catch a rat inside the netting and also when there are brambels and such around. so i'm wondering if someone else here would know of a netting that co
  4. when long nts are offered for sale there is usualy 4z or 6z or 8z aded to the discription. but what does that mean? i expect that the 8z is the thickest ropes used. but if so how thick is a 8z rope? and why and when would you choose for 4z and when for 6 z or 8z? i got one 50 yard quick set here i bought it second hand so do not know what size z it is.
  5. my ferrets are so used to the cages that they can open them and go out of them again.
  6. i always use bolt traps for both rabbits and for rats. i make the bolt traps myself and they fit inside each other so that i can take a lot of them in one go. still more heavy then nets. and nets can catch in 2 directions bolt traps just outgoing rabbits.
  7. can you place post a detail foto of the door? and what mesh size are you using? what are the poles thatyou use to put the cages fixed?
  8. ilike that grabber a big lot aswell it is a withney snake thongs grabber length about 1,65 cm. i use it for loads of things: grabbing rats under water, grabbing a rat down a rat burrow. grabbing my ferret in a difficult place. putting my ferret over a ditch. to remove my cages from difficult to reach places. as a walking stick. as a balance help when crossing ditches. and so on and so on.
  9. hello i'm from the netherlands and i would like to find some new micro genes to mix in with my ferrets.
  10. micro ferrets are handy because they can fit into spaces big ferrets can't get into. (extremely handy when ratting) but also for rabbiting it can be handy. it is treu that a micro can't flush a big stuborn rabbit. but on the other hand it also can't kill the rabbit so that you need to dig them out. i personaly always carry differnent size ferrets along with me. for rats i start with big ferrets and if they can't get the smaller rats out i start working smaller ferrets. with rabbit i do it the other way around, i start with small ferrets, and if they can't flush the rabbit i start w
  11. i have to disagree on that statement.
  12. oh and grabbing the tail also is a way of losing the rat and holding just the skin of the tail tip in your hand. they seem to be able to let the tail skin slip of something a bit like a lizzard.
  13. it might sound grazy but grabbing them by the tail is more dangourous then grabbing them by the head or front body. as long as they don't see your hand comming and/or can't open their mouth before you grab them and keep a firm grip on them there is no way that they can bite you. with the tail grab they can stil open their mouth .
  14. i dont know that much about the hunting rules(so i might not be the best person to ask)(i only hunt rats and sometimes rabbit). but as far as i know earth dogs can hunt fox in certain period of the year. more/better info can be found here i guess. terriër soorten | terrierwerk.nl WWW.TERRIERWERK.NL running dog hunting is not legal here as far as i know.
  15. but if you don't permanently fix the exhaust to the blow chanel. you can choose or only air or air with fumes or fumes only. and with the fumes only option i don't think there will any differnce to a chainsaw.
  16. why not get te best of both? a leaf blower with a hydrolic hose to the exhaust pipe. then you can choose to blow just air or fume into the holes.
  17. it is my main way of transport for rainy days. for other days my main way of transport is the sidecar.
  18. caught loads of them bare handed. filming them while catcing them. well that i managed only one time
  19. does not sound silly to me, they catch their own food here. and eat rats most of the time.
  20. ive head loads of nips from ferrets that had just been chewing rats and i've also been bitten about 16x by rats themselves.(but caught about 600 rats bare handed) i always carry around some choorhexidrine to treath rat bites and such, and so far no problems. only with the ferrets i had a few absecces after a rat bite. i'm not that much afraid of rat infections after all that i've done.
  21. some pictures of the cages that i use.
  22. hello i'm from the netherlands. i hunt brown rats together with my 2 terreirs and my ferret bunch (about 25 ferrets right now). i make a lot of my own ferreting/ratting gear. for example: cages with one way door to catch bolting rats, longnets to set around a rat burrow. my own spades with narrow sharp blade(can also be used as a machette). scoop nets to catch rats in/under water. air/shotgun to shoot rats that climb up in trees and such. hope to learn some extra tricks around here. and hope that i can be of help to share some of my experience.
  23. is there allready any news about new style ferret locators?
  24. i got some rat purse nets here. the problem is not taking the rat out of one. the problem is getting a rat in one of them. it never worked with the nets i got. i make rat cages with 1 or 2 one direction doors in them and they work great on rats i've caught thousends of rats with those cages.
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