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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. I get you mate, so he believed it was more of a case of Sankey being a top stockman, getting his dogs in pristine condition for the one big competition rather the dogs going out and doing it week in week out on the best of hares?
  2. And the traits of performance that goes with it I should imagine. Still, I find it interesting that A.S liked to use greyhound when many folk shudder at the thought of using greyhound blood. The man clearly knew what he was doing as his results count for themselves.
  3. Did you ever see her run, what was she like on a grueller?
  4. Wasn't Dancer out of two first cross saluki/greyhounds? I wonder how she managed to win what she did on the big land against the heavy saluki based dogs. I mean would any of the top lads of today even think about going back to greyhound.
  5. I imagine he just keeps them now for a bit of mooching, not sure how they would square up to the best out and out coursing dogs of today. I have noticed that he likes to cross back in to greyhound quite a lot which a lot of the lads say is a big no, no.
  6. Adele can't flash her tits so she sings. Lol
  7. Does A.S still have dogs down from his original stock, I know he's in to the gundogs now but does he still keep saluki crosses?
  8. If only Hitler had that tactical nous. I've worked all night in the coldest of weather in England, when it's freezing you need to have the crack to keep morale high. I always put this to the lads, given how unbearable it can get over here despite relatively mild winters try and put yourself in the Germans shoes during the winter in the Soviet Union. I seriously think it would be that cold you'd just put a bullet in your head, I suppose standing about in the middle of nowhere on the railway doing feck all is different than being in a battlefield but being piss wet through in m
  9. How did you end up with your current dog then, how's he stack up compared to your past dogs?
  10. Can we stop talking war, I'm in lockdown and it's making me think about reading one of my WW2 books, our lass won't like that.
  11. Calm down you piranha, I didn't ask that, I asked is it the first saluki type you've owned?
  12. No, in all seriousness mate, tell us more about your dog if you don't mind. Enough of the petty games, is he the first saluki type you've owned?
  13. Come on Bangers, we only allow the serious discussion of the saluki and it's crosses.
  14. I've heard some are paying 100 for the day, one of our local shoots pay £25 and you have to chip a fiver in to get some grub. ?
  15. I still think you should leave TOMO, your dogs are merely imposters, they can never be true slop monsters.
  16. You've got two slop hounds, kept that a secret. Breeding and pics please or you can leave my thread. ?
  17. Like most folk wanting to set up their own business, builder who my brother used or brickie for is a millionaire now, he used his redundancy from pit, bought a few houses and moved on from there. If you've got your head screwed on you can go places, mine must have come with no threads. ?
  18. Is that money all that mate, old bloke who I work with from Carlisle used to have his own roofing company, been on the railway now for years though.
  19. The shoot near us do some cracking snap and the sloe gin is beauty, my mate is owt for nowt. He used to spar with the local prospects back in the day cos he used to get a ticket for free pie & peas down at the chippy. ?
  20. To be a coursing bred owner is one of the prerequisites "must be a roofer?" ?
  21. One of my old mates is a corker, just turned the chance down to be an assistant welder on the railway cos it means having to go darn sarf for a week or so training. He's already had two jobs at Aldi and has applied for a third, well they asked him to come in the other weekend but told em he was too busy so they offered him this weekend and said no cos he's beating. That lad has got his priorities in order, he cracks me up he does. ?
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