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Treehands. last won the day on July 14 2017

Treehands. had the most liked content!

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1,379 Excellent

About Treehands.

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    The land of milk an honey.

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  1. Cheers , wedgy. Young dog just gone 12 months .
  2. Fair play mr Cooney , you sharper than a razor blade.
  3. Out Friday night for 66. Sunday afternoon for 46.
  4. To be fair Neil and Sam done a top job in both rings , as already said it's good to put the person on the name and a few more genuine dogmen were met.
  5. Apart from my old milbro I've only ever used home made cattys ,mr Wilkes . Would you say modern style forks have improved your aim or the form of practice.
  6. Acorns are another good practice ammo , I've always found adults tend to overthink a situation unlike children who seem to be more relaxed in the same situation. Having read this forum for a time now it got me thinking about how I myself aim . And to be honest I don't think I do, the only thing that runs true with every shot is the position of the stick hand in relation to the pouch hand , be it above the head or below the waist . When rat shooting most shots are snap shots as it's mostly at rats on the hoof that afford little or no time for aiming and thinking , when it feels right "release
  7. Spent a couple of hours inside a skip as a hide .first with the blackthorn stick, gold band + marbles . Not the ideal choice for rats but spot on for pigeons. Then out with the rat stopper for the last hour.
  8. The bands are for exercise I think , it certainly sends the lead out. I like the Thera band gold but found snapping a problem . The donkey elastic is still a firm favourite though.
  9. All done on a tip face (indoor) and anything from in front of my face up to 35yrd ish .
  10. After finally running out of donkey elastic I've tried out a few of the modern bands and have finished up with a resistance band from the local gym bin. Fitted p***y style to an old rose wood stick and coupled with 16mm leads its performing well as a rat stopper.
  11. Planned to go Friday but heavy rain stopped play . Another Saturday night for 87.
  12. In and around the 10th March by a local man with knowledge of my activity. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. Another tidy session last night (sat) for 108 .
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