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Everything posted by Sirblessed

  1. One of my favourite things to watch is ferrets with high drive enjoying their work, here is a few clips from yesterday, I never seem to tire of these very entertaining little balls of fun.
  2. Nicely put together animal you have there sir I like it.
  3. Had The General and Bounty out for the first time today, Bounty was average at best, and The General really showed his class, with a bit of work he could be something, that being said he killed a couple underground made me wait for 20 mins on one burrow and was last out on all occasions not by much though, the biggest concern is how many he will catch, kill and hold onto underground but I approach everything with an open mind time will tell. All in all another great day out and about. Enjoy guys.
  4. Will do mate the old Jok box is still doing its thing, I have had to repair the back panel with a few screws here and there but still going ?
  5. Don't get rid of your gear or family pets, Just migrate to Australia plenty for all here, almost plague proportions in some areas here. sorry to hear its not so good there.
  6. It's never easy to lose family R.I.P
  7. Just a quick clip of Fleet doing what he does
  8. Out and about today checking out a couple of new properties and trying out the new Go Pro, please excuse the audio on the video, I have a better handle on it now so will be better in the future. All in all another fantastic day meeting new people and walking new places a very eventful day with fleet injuring himself again but it all ended well managed a few for the pot and a few left to go at in the future. Enjoy guys
  9. Took Trixie out for the first time in 20 weeks now she is weaned from her kits, it's good to have her back in the team, we managed to bag a few and another awesome day out and about. Enjoy guy's
  10. Ordered the new Go Pro 9 and sold the old one so I was limited to the iPhone today , took a few photos and caught a few rabbits, another very enjoyable day.
  11. Out and about again doing what I do, another thing that is great about this sport is the people you meet, from the farmers to the ferreters, it really is a great wide wonderful world. Enjoy guy;s
  12. Thanks Lee I look after them.
  13. Just a quick look at the new Additions and the older kits
  14. Just a quick clip of a Fleet catch today, full video incoming once I edit it.
  15. Not sure about that, but one of the things myself and others in the game talk a lot about is breeding traits, one of the traits we look for and high on a priority list, is ferrets that don’t stay on the kill and retain their prey drive, these traits from our experience are somewhat hereditary and highly regarded. I think this has been going on for so long here that most of the stock available retain this trait and has become the norm. J.M.O
  16. Yes that is what you saw and what they are for.
  17. Only in winter and sometimes when there is thick cover, not something we use often in Australia because most of the country we do is considered undiggable. I'm the only person I know that actually owns one, It is a little different here than the UK in a few ways, without being long winded or a detailed explanation lets just say we have adapted our method and breeding programs to accommodate our environment.
  18. Been coming on this forum for awhile, a bit of taking the piss here and there but never had anyone knocking me seriously, doubt I would pay it much attention anyway ?
  19. This is part 2 of ferreting Fred's. Awesome day!
  20. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCet7Vy9obEw8IQK4ZcOcJ5A?disable_polymer=true
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