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Found out whats wrong with Tia today. :(

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Thank you! :rolleyes:

I'm sure everyones first litter is the same, I just don't want any of them to go!!! Two left needing homes but not started advertising yet, thought I should leave it until they were 4-5 weeks?


I think he's a handsome lad but then again I am biased! and Tia's just so ugly, she's cute! lol

Still can't work out what the pups will look like though?


Thank you for the comments.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry for such a long wait... I couldn't find my own topic! :icon_redface:

Pups are doing really well, 'Zia' (The small female) as my cousin called her, went up to London as a guard/protection dog. The Big boy (largest male) went to 'The Owl' off this site for his missus and hopefully a bit of work when he's older, 'Spike' went to a friend of my wife's as a guard dog for the Kennel she works at. We kept 'Tess' (the Largest Female) and we've still got the Runt, now called Titch poor little fella!

Their manic, intelligent to the point of annoying and cute as could be!!!

They both consistantly 'Sit', 'Stay', 'Recall' to names or a whistle and as I found out a couple of days ago can fetch!!! and their only 12 weeks!!! even the Springer didn't learn this quick!!!

I'll post some photo's of these two and hopefully get some photos of the other two. Maybe 'The Owl' could post some pics of his on here?


'Titch' (still for sale)7.5Kg and about 13"tts






'Tess' 10.5Kg and about 15"tts




And a few together.





A quick video of them playing with mum. I'm still amazed with her, after seeing what she can really do, I still can't quite believe she can be so gentle when their hanging off her face!!! Her Jowl's seem to be perfect size for a puppies mouth and Titch puts them to good use with several 'neck' holds!


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Thank you all for the comments, Shell I just wish I could find a decent home for Titch.

Lot's of lads around town wanted to take him on but their just after a Chav dog to look hard. I'm trying to find him a home with either someone who has experience with working dogs or with Large breeds.


A.F.T - Check out some of Bud9 or Scotsman's posts and pics. I believe this breeding is what they call Alaunts? they look a spitting image of them when young.


All the Best



Edited by bullmastiff
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Thank you all for the comments, Shell I just wish I could find a decent home for Titch.

Lot's of lads around town wanted to take him on but their just after a Chav dog to look hard. I'm trying to find him a home with either someone who has experience with working dogs or with Large breeds.


A.F.T - Check out some of Bud9 or Scotsman's posts and pics. I believe this breeding is what they call Alaunts? they look a spitting image of them when young.


All the Best




The right home will come up for Titch soon enough... like you say, it's best off keeping hold of him rather than letting him go to some idiot just wanting a Chav dog.


Hope you get him sorted soon :thumbs:



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A.F.T - Check out some of Bud9 or Scotsman's posts and pics. I believe this breeding is what they call Alaunts? they look a spitting image of them when young.


All the Best




Yeah I've read Aluants have got some Mastiff in the breeding but these pups will be half Mastiff and what ever make up is in the Lurcher.


Best of luck finding homes for the pups.

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  • 2 months later...

Well it's been a while since I updated this so thought it best to 'catch up' I've finally found my camera so will hopefully be able to get some decent photo's again.

Titch the smallest pup finally found a home in Poole, with a lady that used to keep Neo's but gave up with them as they cost so much in vets bills! She fell for him as soon as she saw him.

The Bitch pup 'Tess' we kept back is doing really well, she's currently about 22" tts. Her basic training is coming on really well and will sit, stay and recall to voice and whistle everytime now although her heel work still has a long way to go! Her retrieve is coming on well too. From a very young age she would retrieve a squeaky toy/Tennis ball to hand but I've taken it slow and she's only now getting prey items to retrieve (pigeon wings, rabbit skins etc.) which although she retrieves them she will try to eat it on the way back so I think I'll take a small step back and just use the very tip of the wing as there is a lot less tempting treats on them! She'll retrieve at distance over small fences/walls but is struggling with 'blind' retrieves and keeps looking at me to throw the item to be fetched! but were getting there.

I'll try and borrow my father in laws camcorder and get some footage.


She's still as game as ever and just won't stop play fighting with Tia, no matter how hard Tia slams her down she's straight back up and chewing at her jowls again. When her brother comes over it's just carnage! Neither will back down and they go at it forever! we left them in the garden to 'run it off' but after two hours of non stop play fighting and rushing around together we had to seperate them as we didn't want them damaging their joints. Both had torn little holes in each others ears and muzzles but didn't even seem to notice.


A few photos of Tess












All the best.



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