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Best prank pulled at school?

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Wouldnt call it a prank exactly but a good school pal of mine who im still friends now tried to burn the school down one weekend.....and got caught !....Anyone who knew the school would know why as well,we all thought it was the only way to get out of school but he was the only one with the balls to do it......we still laugh about it to this day.

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Got a Fire Extinguisher with a Funnel on the end and used It to fire Tennis Balls at the Teachers.


Unplugged the Teachers Computer so they had to completely re-wire It.


Jumped out of the Window In class, ran round, knocked on the Door and back through the Window In time to watch the Teacher open the Door.


Set the Bin on fire In Chemistry.


Stink Bombs all over the place.


Tied one of my mates up and Cable Tied him to the Bus Seat.


Chucked flour & Icing Sugar all over the top Deck of the Bus.


I'll post some more later! :clapper:



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glass stink bombs, smashed them in 7 different rooms and corridoors ,


set a wooden bin on fire, didnt mean to tho :laugh:


head butted a glass window in geography and it smashed :blink:


hid my mates phone under the stage just before assembly and rung it half way through :rofl:

that was a good'un,


water bombs at our french teacher lol,


too many to name,

other than that..... :angel:

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locked the teacher in a store cupboard for 4 hours!


put super glue on a teachers chair


blown up a science lab


played about with the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over my head of year


got into a fight with 2 teachers


brought a rabbit skin into school and threw it at my teacher


sent my maths teacher into a mental breakdown

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locked the teacher in a store cupboard for 4 hours!


put super glue on a teachers chair


blown up a science lab


played about with the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over my head of year


got into a fight with 2 teachers


brought a rabbit skin into school and threw it at my teacher


sent my maths teacher into a mental breakdown

aye we made the maths teacher cry as everyone in the class kept on shouting our random numbers repeatedly.......so cruel :icon_redface:

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i pretened i was going to set a girls hair on fire in cleass with a lighter .When i clicked on the lighter i went a bit too close to her head and with all the bloody hairspray she had on her whole fooking head went up.Me teache smelt the singed hair as soon as she came into the class and their was murder :icon_redface:



i got excluded for doing exactly that :no:

i got a slap in the face off the girl and she didnt even rat on me :whistling:

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locked the teacher in a store cupboard for 4 hours!


put super glue on a teachers chair


blown up a science lab


played about with the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over my head of year


got into a fight with 2 teachers


brought a rabbit skin into school and threw it at my teacher


sent my maths teacher into a mental breakdown

aye we made the maths teacher cry as everyone in the class kept on shouting our random numbers repeatedly.......so cruel :icon_redface:


i kept answering his questions with another question and singing its peanut butter jelly time

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got into a fight with 2 teachers



haha i sort of nearly got into a fight with a teacher :laugh:

he was a peido i was sure of it lol,

hes just been suspended for taking a girl out of yr 10 for a meal,


since i have been at my school, im in yr 11 now there has been 8 teachers " perverts " sacked and 5 of them have gone to jail,


our school is practically run by perverts :boxing:

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Turned all the clocks In one Corridor forward 30 Minutes to get out earlier.


Chucked Yogurts & all kinds of Fruit Into the Fans.


Pushed people Into the Disabled Toilet and locked them In.


Not a Prank but a girl tried to spit In my face so I emptied 2 Litres of Water over Her Head and she got off the Bus to walk the rest 4 Miles home!



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I had a 60 odd year old PE Teacher pin me up against a wall so I said 'I suggest you get the f*ck off me before something serious happens' .. He soon let go! :laugh:




Butch, your my hero, the hunting lifes own Steven Seagal :laugh:

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