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bloody cats

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hello guys could you please give me some advice i have an awkard case on my hands;


i set snares on a farm next to my house which is plagues with rabbits, i have set all my snares on clear and known rabbit runs but over the weekend i managed to catch (then release after being badly scratched) two of the farms cats. i would like to know if there is a way that this problem can be stopped (maybe breakaway snares) or if snares is not feasable if this is the case what other methods could i use because i don't fancy cat pie i kind of had my herart set on the bunnies.





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Cats are clearly a non-target species, in this case. You need to consider a strategy that doesn't involve snaring. Difficult, I know, but you risk a court case if you kill or badly injure the neighbours cats.


As for advising an alternate method, it's extremely difficult as we know nothing about the situation. Land, cover, neighbours, etc. Obviously you have to control the rabbits but you have to weigh up the potential risks involved. Is it possible to remove the cats while you snare? Can they be kept inside or are they basically feral? Ferreting? Airgun? Fenn's etc...

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hello guys could you please give me some advice i have an awkard case on my hands;


i set snares on a farm next to my house which is plagues with rabbits, i have set all my snares on clear and known rabbit runs but over the weekend i managed to catch (then release after being badly scratched) two of the farms cats. i would like to know if there is a way that this problem can be stopped (maybe breakaway snares) or if snares is not feasable if this is the case what other methods could i use because i don't fancy cat pie i kind of had my herart set on the bunnies.






As Chris says Rob, be very careful. Everything you catch is your responsibility no if or buts or mitigating circumstances. It's your responsibility not to catch anything other than the target species. One or two court cases have proved that. take care ian.

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Just to throw an idea in here completely unresearched: would those cat repellent sprays be any good here ? usually strong citrus based smells.


I know rabbits have a keen sense of smell but I don't know if they would be put off as much as cats are supposed to be. You might be able to spray the runs rather than the snare itself.


My instinct is that this probably wouldn't work but you never know

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Throw your jacket over them they should settle down in the dark then work the snare loose . Your going to catch a few farm cats in your time there usually tryin to catch the same prey as you are

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thanks guys


the part i'm allowed to hunt on is about 200-300 acres which is huge for one person with not much time (i think).


-my airgun is an option but obviously that only works when i'm there


- the cats were fine just pissed off and the farmer said he didnt mind if i caught the cats but his wife might get annoyed


-drop trap is a bit drastic as it involves the pit


-Where can i get breakaway snares from?


-do you have to set fenns for rabbits in the burrows ( these are in thick brambles or on the train embankment so i wouldn't want to tresspass :rtfm:


i dont know much about bodygripping and fenn trapping


and i'm not allowed ferrets or lurcher etc


thanks again guys


rob :clapper:

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Drop traps are preferably used with rabbit fencing... Personally theres a few options, don't set snares were theres any chance of cats being around, ie farm areas adjacent to were they are, Use other methods rather than snaring OR use a breakaway snare as shown by Glenn.

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Just to throw an idea in here completely unresearched: would those cat repellent sprays be any good here ? usually strong citrus based smells.


I know rabbits have a keen sense of smell but I don't know if they would be put off as much as cats are supposed to be. You might be able to spray the runs rather than the snare itself.


My instinct is that this probably wouldn't work but you never know

your right john you don,t want any type of smell on snare or run, peg out every run with a breakaway snare, when the weather is right, and if you are any good at it you will have the majority of rabbits snared in 3 mornings and any cats caught will release themselves , cage traps to costly, to bulky, and expensive to lose, i would have these rabbits cleaned up in jig time, stop worrying about the cats and get it done,
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