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.17 HMR good for shooting foxes or not?

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Durham constabulary are very much against foxes being shot with a .17 HMR. an occassional fox maybe, when your out rabbitting and happen to come across one, but theyre very very reluctant to put one on your cert for fox.


Id check with your local plod on what they say about it. Some forces are fine with it.Others arent.


thats about right, you wouldnt purposely get a .17 for foxes there better for rabbits and virmin etc but just if a fox pops up it would have to have it!

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body shot heart area around 100 130 yards but no more, the hmr needs shot placement to be spot on, on a humane kill will NOT be achieved, pushing past that is a chancey shot, odd fox yes if out hunting bunnies and you see foxy at a good close range yes, dedicated foxing gun NO. ;)

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Durham constabulary are very much against foxes being shot with a .17 HMR. an occassional fox maybe, when your out rabbitting and happen to come across one, but theyre very very reluctant to put one on your cert for fox.


Id check with your local plod on what they say about it. Some forces are fine with it.Others arent.



Cleveland changed all there licenses awhile back, they won't let you have a.17hmr for fox, and personally I think thats good... Yes they will kill foxes at close range, as will a .22 rimfire and even a air rifle at 20yds or whatever, but theres not much margin for error at all with these small calibres... Its all about do you respect your quarry enough to ensure a clean and humane kill, after all we are only human and prone to error, a larger calibre gives you that greater allowance if there is any needed...


I have a .17hmr and wouldn't attempt to shoot a fox with it more than 60/70 yds, even then it would be a one off using it, a centrefire is more suited to the job no questioning.. But people have there own ways and opinions.. :)

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I am not wanting a .17 HMR specifically for shooting foxes, would a .22 LR be more suited to the job plus the bullets are cheaper?



22lr has probably shot more fox's than any other calibre,the only reason for this is that there are so many 22lr's in cerculation they will also have wounded the most fox's aswell...rim fires arnt any use what so ever as a dedicated fox round..hmr will just about do the job but its like knocking a wall down with a toffee hammer....there's so many world class shooters on thl that will claim extreme long range shots on the lamp with what ever calibre..the reality is that even with a centre fire the average will be little over 150 yards if that...if your getting into shooting get a rim fire,leave the fox's alone and in a year or so if you have been bitten by the bug go for a dedicated fox rifle...as much as i hate to recomened it maybe you should get a 223 and then when you are capable of shooting longer range's go for the daddy of 22 centre fires the 22-250..........

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Do not recommend it, certainly has the "power" but no margin for error, shot placement is critical, now we all know placement is important regardless, but @ 17g and only .17inches this round it tiny, it has devastating results against some quarry at some ranges but I for one would not buy it as a fox gun. Does it stop foxes...absolutely, but definately not my first choice.


I rate the .22WMR, at around 70ft lb more than the HMR with a 40G HP, it arrives with far more knockdown power and does the job out to 150 yards on the fox with ease. For foxes further out I would suggest the .22 centrefire range, in my case a .223! Whilst many rate it highly as well for fox my .243 is seldom used for this task!



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I am not wanting a .17 HMR specifically for shooting foxes, would a .22 LR be more suited to the job plus the bullets are cheaper?



22lr has probably shot more fox's than any other calibre,the only reason for this is that there are so many 22lr's in cerculation they will also have wounded the most fox's aswell...rim fires arnt any use what so ever as a dedicated fox round..hmr will just about do the job but its like knocking a wall down with a toffee hammer....there's so many world class shooters on thl that will claim extreme long range shots on the lamp with what ever calibre..the reality is that even with a centre fire the average will be little over 150 yards if that...if your getting into shooting get a rim fire,leave the fox's alone and in a year or so if you have been bitten by the bug go for a dedicated fox rifle...as much as i hate to recomened it maybe you should get a 223 and then when you are capable of shooting longer range's go for the daddy of 22 centre fires the 22-250..........


the swift is the dady of the 22 centrefires woz :whistling::laugh: if i had 223 then went up a caliber i wouldnt go to 22/250 i would got to 243 then you can have all deer to

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I am not wanting a .17 HMR specifically for shooting foxes, would a .22 LR be more suited to the job plus the bullets are cheaper?



22lr has probably shot more fox's than any other calibre,the only reason for this is that there are so many 22lr's in cerculation they will also have wounded the most fox's aswell...rim fires arnt any use what so ever as a dedicated fox round..hmr will just about do the job but its like knocking a wall down with a toffee hammer....there's so many world class shooters on thl that will claim extreme long range shots on the lamp with what ever calibre..the reality is that even with a centre fire the average will be little over 150 yards if that...if your getting into shooting get a rim fire,leave the fox's alone and in a year or so if you have been bitten by the bug go for a dedicated fox rifle...as much as i hate to recomened it maybe you should get a 223 and then when you are capable of shooting longer range's go for the daddy of 22 centre fires the 22-250..........


the swift is the dady of the 22 centrefires woz :whistling::laugh: if i had 223 then went up a caliber i wouldnt go to 22/250 i would got to 243 then you can have all deer to


:whistling::whistling::whistling: i wondered if the only person in country that owns a swift was on thl...yes there great untill your barrel melts into a molten pool of metal after banging 50 shots through it :icon_redface::thumbdown: ........22-250 IS the daddy :tongue2::victory:

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I am not wanting a .17 HMR specifically for shooting foxes, would a .22 LR be more suited to the job plus the bullets are cheaper?



22lr has probably shot more fox's than any other calibre,the only reason for this is that there are so many 22lr's in cerculation they will also have wounded the most fox's aswell...rim fires arnt any use what so ever as a dedicated fox round..hmr will just about do the job but its like knocking a wall down with a toffee hammer....there's so many world class shooters on thl that will claim extreme long range shots on the lamp with what ever calibre..the reality is that even with a centre fire the average will be little over 150 yards if that...if your getting into shooting get a rim fire,leave the fox's alone and in a year or so if you have been bitten by the bug go for a dedicated fox rifle...as much as i hate to recomened it maybe you should get a 223 and then when you are capable of shooting longer range's go for the daddy of 22 centre fires the 22-250..........


the swift is the dady of the 22 centrefires woz :whistling::laugh: if i had 223 then went up a caliber i wouldnt go to 22/250 i would got to 243 then you can have all deer to


:whistling::whistling::whistling: i wondered if the only person in country that owns a swift was on thl...yes there great untill your barrel melts into a molten pool of metal after banging 50 shots through it :icon_redface::thumbdown: ........22-250 IS the daddy :tongue2::victory:


the 22/250 isnt that far off the power so there barrels wont last much longer. the key is to keep the barrel in good condition, dont run silly hot loads down it, and let it cool after you fire 3 to 4 shots off. heat in the barrel is the main killer.


must admit i do love my 22/250 tho :boogie: im getting around 3500 to 3600 with a homeload 50 grn bullet , my mate is getting that with 69 grn bullets !!! but his is a 22/250 ai :toast:

Edited by jamie g
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Would a .17 HMR do the job for shooting foxes?


When I first applied for my FAC my Firearms officer would not let me shoot a fox with a 17HMR he made me apply for a 243 to do the job which also covered me for deer. It was very good adivce. The 17 will do it at close range with a well placed shot, but buy a centre fire and do the job right!


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Yes, HMR works on foxes, but no, I wouldn't recommend it. Put it in the right place and down they go, but there is zero margin for error.


I really dislike HMR for anything other than rabbits, I just find the tiny little bullets don't have great penetration and over about 100 yards don't have much shock power either.


I just wish 22 Hornet would be back in vogue, it's a terrific general purpose round but let down by the crap factory ammo (which hardly any RFDs stock)



mr logic still trying to peddle obsolete rounds......probably slightly better than a 22 semi auto.. :clapper::clapper::clapper: your worse than my grandad reminising about the good old days.....time to move on......hornet will never be back in vouge,the round is lacking in many ways.....


Sorry Woz, But the hornet round is far from obsolete, myself and my mate both use this calibre regularly, and so far this season have accounted for 20+ foxes, factory ammunition is readily available around my area, but most benifit by reloading :clapper: a combination of 13gns hodgdons lil-gun powder, 40gn hornaday v max head gives muzzle velosity of around 3000 ft/sec ideal for mr fox out to a max of 200 yds. add this to the fact that there is very little recoil, and noise is easily suppressed then all adds up to a lethal combo :D Also read article in shooting times ( about 6 months ago ) that because of use of lil gun powder and greater variation of heads the .22 hornet is actually gained in popularity. Ok it may not have the boom and the range of the 223 ect but does the job it is intended for :D



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Yes, HMR works on foxes, but no, I wouldn't recommend it. Put it in the right place and down they go, but there is zero margin for error.


I really dislike HMR for anything other than rabbits, I just find the tiny little bullets don't have great penetration and over about 100 yards don't have much shock power either.


I just wish 22 Hornet would be back in vogue, it's a terrific general purpose round but let down by the crap factory ammo (which hardly any RFDs stock)



mr logic still trying to peddle obsolete rounds......probably slightly better than a 22 semi auto.. :clapper::clapper::clapper: your worse than my grandad reminising about the good old days.....time to move on......hornet will never be back in vouge,the round is lacking in many ways.....


Sorry Woz, But the hornet round is far from obsolete, myself and my mate both use this calibre regularly, and so far this season have accounted for 20+ foxes, factory ammunition is readily available around my area, but most benifit by reloading :clapper: a combination of 13gns hodgdons lil-gun powder, 40gn hornaday v max head gives muzzle velosity of around 3000 ft/sec ideal for mr fox out to a max of 200 yds. add this to the fact that there is very little recoil, and noise is easily suppressed then all adds up to a lethal combo :D Also read article in shooting times ( about 6 months ago ) that because of use of lil gun powder and greater variation of heads the .22 hornet is actually gained in popularity. Ok it may not have the boom and the range of the 223 ect but does the job it is intended for :D



Agreed, if the Hornady 35gr Vmax factory stuff was 50p each, it would sell like hot cakes, and the calibre would be back on track!

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