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Exit the Shitter

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We miss you Ditch :)


I don't really understand the point of buggering off because some folks are being stoooopid. What should matter is how valued you are by those of us who aren't (usually) a pain in the arse. You've a lot of good info to share, plus you're ever so entertaining - like when you talk about the smell of a pony :D Why go and leave the rest of us to fend off the wankers?

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I have been in contact with the one formally known as ditch shitter, It's sad to say it but he won't be back...........for reason's known only to himself and a few others,

It's a sad loss to THL because as said already he was a valued member, The good always go first........ :thumbdown:

And you won't gleen any info from me so please refrain from asking.......... :tongue2:

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Guest Magwitch

There's still plenty of Shitter's on here normally in the Lurcher section :laugh:



In the dark a tunnel rages

pressure builds in several stages.

Compelled release of endless trash

received in glory with a splash. Cyclone spinning ever tighter

enveloping a tiny fighter.

He cannot let it end like this

sucked into the dark abyss.


Endlessly he wills and fights,

swimming harder toward the lights.

Stopped as quickly as he started

courage turned to broken-hearted.


The strong desire to enter water

nearly led him to his slaughter.

Since this tragedy occurred

he's now a lonely floating turd.

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