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so i'll ask.As you know i had to put my lurcher to sleep after he smashed both his front legs 2 weeks ago.I was in a position where for the sake of the dog and on humanatarian grounds I had to put him out of his pain on the spot.it was the only proper thing to do.In such circumstances how does the law look upon this.Is it an offence to end the life of a pet yourself or is it necessary to get a fully trained and highly expensive vetenary surgeon to do the dastardly deed.In other circumstances,whatever they may be,is it actually an offence to quickly and humanely end the life of your animal.Wether it be a dog,ferret,or whatever how does the law look upon this.This is meant as an interesting and informative topic,i ask as i dont actually know where i stood when i was put in that position.

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so i'll ask.As you know i had to put my lurcher to sleep after he smashed both his front legs 2 weeks ago.I was in a position where for the sake of the dog and on humanatarian grounds I had to put him out of his pain on the spot.it was the only proper thing to do.In such circumstances how does the law look upon this.Is it an offence to end the life of a pet yourself or is it necessary to get a fully trained and highly expensive vetenary surgeon to do the dastardly deed.In other circumstances,whatever they may be,is it actually an offence to quickly and humanely end the life of your animal.Wether it be a dog,ferret,or whatever how does the law look upon this.This is meant as an interesting and informative topic,i ask as i dont actually know where i stood when i was put in that position.

i dont know mate.but i have done the same as you and would do it again wether it was an offence or not

for the dog.

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JIGSAW, you saw the suffering of your dog and knew othing could be done, i'd say that you done the right thing, As for the legal end of things i'm not sure.

however if you would have had to travel a distance i'm sure the law would take this into account,

There should be no need for the needless suffering of ANY animal. A quick humane dispatch, is by every means better than a slow painfull one.

IT's a hard thing to destroy a pet that has been so loyal, but needs must. Well done......i wouldn't worry about what anyone else thinks as they weren't there. :thumbs:

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so i'll ask.As you know i had to put my lurcher to sleep after he smashed both his front legs 2 weeks ago.I was in a position where for the sake of the dog and on humanatarian grounds I had to put him out of his pain on the spot.it was the only proper thing to do.In such circumstances how does the law look upon this.Is it an offence to end the life of a pet yourself or is it necessary to get a fully trained and highly expensive vetenary surgeon to do the dastardly deed.In other circumstances,whatever they may be,is it actually an offence to quickly and humanely end the life of your animal.Wether it be a dog,ferret,or whatever how does the law look upon this.This is meant as an interesting and informative topic,i ask as i dont actually know where i stood when i was put in that position.



You were copped by someone shooting the dog, now you fooking panicing :laugh::laugh::laugh:


From what I am told by people in the know, if the beast is suffering it should be brought to a vet for inspection, only then can the vet put the beast down, so in other words, you are fooked mate. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Not sure on the law but instinct kicked in and you did what you thought was right and best for your animal. For me i think you made the right choice and i bet if god forbid you were put in that situation again you would not hesitate to do it again. ATB FV.

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I cannot speak for the law in Ireland, but in the UK, it depends on what method you used to "put it to sleep".


You may have caused 'unnecessary' suffering, in which case an offence would have been committed.


Only the owner, the courts, or a police constable can order the destruction of a domestic animal in the UK. Vets do not have the right to insist.

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IRISHLURCHER if I meet you I'll put you to sleep ye ghoulbag,I was 40 miles from home in the wilderness,you never saw that cause ye live in a big city full of smog and scumbags,lol.Us countryfolk are different to you's lot,PEOPLE IN THE KNOW........criminals dont really count in my book.oh yeah heres one for ye, :feck: I know there was no other option but to put the poor blighter to sleep just wondering what the law was.I'd do it again no problem if I had to.

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IRISHLURCHER if I meet you I'll put you to sleep ye ghoulbag,I was 40 miles from home in the wilderness,you never saw that cause ye live in a big city full of smog and scumbags,lol.Us countryfolk are different to you's lot,PEOPLE IN THE KNOW........criminals dont really count in my book.oh yeah heres one for ye, :feck: I know there was no other option but to put the poor blighter to sleep just wondering what the law was.I'd do it again no problem if I had to.

had to do it myself several times over the years, ive always assessed the situation and done what i know to be in the dogs best interest,s if i am in the same position i would do the same again, not something that i ever took well but i /anyone should look out for the dog and its wellbeing. read the 1st chapter of country mischief he explains it so much better than me ,you done the correct thing at that time in them circumstances, hardest thing of all to do, some people think about their own feelings before they consider the dogs welfare f :censored: k what the law states in these situations good luck trader

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what you did took some guts,i dont think i would have the balls to do it, im sure the cps or whatever they have in ireland would understnd the circumstances and wouldnt take it any further, as said before no unnessecary suffering was caused and its my understanding thats the law,

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I was told by an RSPCA inspector as long as the kill is clean its not illegal to do it, causing suffering is illegal :thumbs: anyway they should know they destroy healthy animals everyday let alone animals in obvious distress as yours was & there not vets :whistling:

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yeah guys I know it was the right thing to do,I was very attached to the dog and I have no guilty feelings doing what I did.I did the poor b*****d a favour,but the dog was really more than a working dog he was a family pet too.Jaysus I'm getting old,soft as putty im becoming :clapper: Wait for Irish lurchers attack on a sensitive little man like me now,i brace myself for the onslaught,lol

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yeah guys I know it was the right thing to do,I was very attached to the dog and I have no guilty feelings doing what I did.I did the poor b*****d a favour,but the dog was really more than a working dog he was a family pet too.Jaysus I'm getting old,soft as putty im becoming :clapper: Wait for Irish lurchers attack on a sensitive little man like me now,i brace myself for the onslaught,lol

the deed is done and now history you were there we were not you made what you think was the right decision for the dog welfare

job done sorry for the loss of your dog

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