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what they are teaching our children in school about fox hunting

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what part of the curriculam is this project from ? is it actual school work or some idiot teacher handing out their own made up work .

best to get in touch with the head master . keep a cool head though ask him what he thinks of the situation if you get no joy from him go to the local education authority . as i said earlier schools have to put both sides of an argument . education not Indoctrination


been looking on the web for ideas for you these may be able to help http://www.countrysidefoundation.org.uk/re.../acaseindex.htm




and this is were the trouble starts http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?...d=1090587841583

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f**k me ,my daughter is 9 and the lad 6 ,if they were given that homework it would not need me to go in because the kids would of twatted the teacher and put the class in the picture.i would guarantee the teacher would never hear the end of it off the daughter ,she would make her life hell.whose right is it to tell my kids what to believe in.f*****g idiots. :censored::censored:

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writing a letter to your local mp


writing a list of reasons why you think fox hunting is wrong


then it has reasons why fox hunting is wrong , and a section the kids have to fill in saying"evidence to back up what i say/ how i feel about it


1 fox hunting is cruel, the animal dies in agony

2 hunting foxes is not the most effective way of killing foxes

3 foxes control their own population so there is no need to kill them

4 hounds are shot when they get too old to hunt



then it says now put your reasons in order starting with the one you think is most important

you may find the following words usefull





ripped apart


and quite a few others


then there is a half written letter already addressed to the local mp, who is a prize arsehole by the way


and the kids have to fill the rest in by using the facts they got in the first sections.



also my daughter asked the teacher when would they be learning the other side of the argument and the teacher said you will learn about that in a few years, my daughter has refused to do her homework and wrote on the top of the page " I think fox hunting is a good thing because the foxes kill lambs, chickens, ducks and other small animals"

if her teacher says anything she is goin to the headmasters office and tell him to ring me


i have half written a letter of complaint but I think i am just goin to ring the headmaster tommorow myself


my daughter said that many of her friends feel the same about hunting anyway as there is still an active hunt in our village and still has huge support

Keep us posted TJ. :thumbs:

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How times have changed! Many teachers in the rural area i was brought up in (and still live) are active shooters and fishers, as were/are our scout leaders and football/rugby coaches! My wife is a teacher and farmers daughter she would not teach that.

Crikey keep us posted i'm interested.



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There is an RE textbook with a debate in morals on it..Circa 1998 when I left school..Showing a terrierman with his beloved tyke in 1 hand and a fox in the other very much in the style the majority of digging lads will have no doubt...This was above the caption "fox BAITING is inhumane"

Nice to see that things have changed!!! :no:

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what part of the curriculam is this project from ? is it actual school work or some idiot teacher handing out their own made up work .

best to get in touch with the head master . keep a cool head though ask him what he thinks of the situation if you get no joy from him go to the local education authority . as i said earlier schools have to put both sides of an argument . education not Indoctrination


been looking on the web for ideas for you these may be able to help http://www.countrysidefoundation.org.uk/re.../acaseindex.htm




and this is were the trouble starts http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?...d=1090587841583


The teacher is attempting to teach the writing to argue/persuade/advise triplet from the National Literacy Strategy. I've seen this type of thing given out before - basically it's lazy teaching. I presume she/he is an English teacher trying to teach discursive writing. In reality she probably doesn't give a f**k about field sports. She'll have had these worksheets knocking about for years. To be honest the whole thing is out of date in the Post Ban era. I mean why write to your MP to tell them you think it's cruel?


When you speak to the Head or the teacher concerned you should mention that good discursive writing should acknowledge both sides of the argument. Pupils should not be spoon fed points of view but rather given the correct structure to voice their ideas.

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i got an O level in rural studies :thumbs:


did my project for my course work on the Brown trout and fishing,


in the same bloody school !


I too got an O level in Rural Studies, also in my English exam we had to give an oral on any topic we chose for 20 mins. I chose shotguns and shooting, on the day, I was allowed to take into school a Greener single barrel, with Martini action, and a AYA side by side. They were kept in the Headmasters office before and after the talk, that was 1977, I couldn't imagine that would be allowed today. And, my talk went on for well over the 20 mins, the teacher and examiner were that interested, they did'nt stop me, also I can remember at junior school being allowed to go to the meet of our local pack of foxhounds who met 50yds away, at The Basset Arms on Camborne Feast day, times have changed and not for the better, :(

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I've recently picked up a copy of an interview (on CD) given by an old Anthony Chapman, ex-huntsman of the Coniston F.H. He says that on many occasions when he was a kid most of the class would run out of school if they heard the hunt approaching, to follow hounds....and the teacher would go too as he was a keen follower! :clapper:

Edited by cragman
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my daughter came home with homework about fox hunting today and i find some of the stuff they are teaching her very biased,


there is even a list on there saying:



1.Never go to a fox hunt

2.show this fact sheet to your friends and family and use it in class debates

3.write to your local newspaperabout fox hunting

4.send a letter to your localmember of parliment (you can get their names and addresses at your local library ), ask them to write back to you saying how they feel about fox hunting and ask them what they are doing about it



write about how you feel and why you think fox hunting is cruel

80% of people in britain are against fox hunting

only 0.5% of lambs are killed by foxes


this has made me very angry, they are being brainwashed in my eyes,

this is something they should make their own mind up about


what is goin on, this country sucks


I'd be straight down there; those fact are downright lies! What The F**K are they teaching children??? That bull shit is ok...??


f**k writing to the MP about hunting...Write to them about the lies that the school are pushing!!! And the Countryside Alliance, like them or lothe them they'll do something about it!!

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:icon_eek: MY SON IS SAT NEXT TO ME RIGHT NOW!he says he did this at school,and he says his school teacher was makeing the class against it :icon_eek: he says she was showing them pictures of what happens to foxes :hmm:he goes on to say the teacher made them form a group against and for fox hunting! Edited by moter poacher
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Guest Leveller

:wallbash: it's a sad state of affairs.


On a positive note we have a playschool in one of the villages nearby and we take hound puppies there let the children name one and then when we meet in that village pub the kids come out of playschool and have great fun looking for 'their' hound. Get in there first :thumbs:

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:wallbash: it's a sad state of affairs.


On a positive note we have a playschool in one of the villages nearby and we take hound puppies there let the children name one and then when we meet in that village pub the kids come out of playschool and have great fun looking for 'their' hound. Get in there first :thumbs:


The Beufort Hunt near us does the same sort of thing; not sure about naming the pups, but it goes into some of the schools and shows the kids what its all about. A bloody good ide; if only all schools allowed it!

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