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Still waiting for my renewal to be done 6 months so far , although put all paper work in 4 months before it expired.
Any way looking at another gun & thinking of 204  anyone has experience with this round or would another cal be better 

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Tricky one, ammo not cheap and the .204 performance has been questioned historically.   I've not shot one for what must be about 10 years, it was a brief encounter for the owner who simply didn't get on with it.   To get the best out of it you always needed a very long barrel, is that still the case?

Not really taken off here, but I suspect someone will come along and tell you its the best calibre in the world.

Plenty of others to choose from as listed by FOXHUNTER above (plus Hornet), unless you have specific thoughts why it should be a .204, I personally would pass and go .223.

We are facing imminent grief with all the NON LEAD ammo laws, so who really knows what existing calibres will continue to work.





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16 hours ago, paulus said:

Why bother with another exotic calibre when there's plenty that are are more than capable of doing the job already. 222. 223. 22/250 and 243 are more than capable of doing the job,

That's what I stated above. Personally I think the .243 is the best option as it also covers you for all species of deer 👍

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18 hours ago, FOXHUNTER said:

That's what I stated above. Personally I think the .243 is the best option as it also covers you for all species of deer 👍

I have concerns if it will continue to do so with the Non Toxic ammo, I don't know, but some may well fall below energy requirements!!!!! 

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3 minutes ago, FOXHUNTER said:

There are already non toxic alternatives available. 

I know, and energy has shown itself to be a problem, also weight and twist.  The .243 is very unlikely to be the all singing go to Deer round in the future, there will potentially be limitations on its energy performance, and accuracy, making it much less attractive for deer!!!

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1 hour ago, Deker said:

I know, and energy has shown itself to be a problem, also weight and twist.  The .243 is very unlikely to be the all singing go to Deer round in the future, there will potentially be limitations on its energy performance, and accuracy, making it much less attractive for deer!!!

Plenty of stalkers have been using non toxic for a long time now without any problems.  Some guys actually prefer copper over lead .

I will worry about a lead ban when it happens which could be 5 years away yet who knows.

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