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20 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:

Get to the chemist for benzyl benzoate

Best bet is steep in petrel twice daily.dry and spray with WD 40.

Throw a clean vest on and feck off down allotment..

Or you could do this..


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ive tried to grow a very full beard ,im one of those that it took me a month for it to develope from stubble to a bit of a goatee,i cant grow a long beard unless i let it untouched for 6 months ,and id never be without one now ,my sons mate has a monster of a beard,long and full but he gets it shaped and trimmed regular....which is slightly gay in my book lol ...but hes a womaniser so ive no worries about my lads company yet lol

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I've got hair ties on my shopping list, Mush'. I'll try tying it up, for bed time, before hacking it off. It's sort of 'Me', now, see? People'd hardly recognise me without it.

This morning though I particularly noted something: No nightmares. Very little sweat. Very little itching!

Like, I'm sitting here now. Have been for fukking Hours. Never give the beard a thought. Never scratch my neck. Walking like a duck, isn't it?

Perhaps, if the ties don't work, I can strap a fukking towel to myself, or something? Keep the hairs away from my skin when the shit kicks off in my head.

Eddie? You have nightmares?

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51 minutes ago, Ken's Deputy said:

I've got hair ties on my shopping list, Mush'. I'll try tying it up, for bed time, before hacking it off. It's sort of 'Me', now, see? People'd hardly recognise me without it.

This morning though I particularly noted something: No nightmares. Very little sweat. Very little itching!

Like, I'm sitting here now. Have been for fukking Hours. Never give the beard a thought. Never scratch my neck. Walking like a duck, isn't it?

Perhaps, if the ties don't work, I can strap a fukking towel to myself, or something? Keep the hairs away from my skin when the shit kicks off in my head.

Eddie? You have nightmares?

My Mrs would actually divorce me, if I shaved it off. She insists that I hold onto it, and keep growing it. She shaved my head hast night, and trimmed the beard up a bit. Just evened up the longer bits. Mine seldom annoys me, even in summer. 

 I recon tying it up will help mate. Even putting some oil through it would probably help, but doubt you'd be bothered with that. Either way, it'd be a shame if you had to get rid of it.

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22 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

My Mrs would actually divorce me, if I shaved it off. She insists that I hold onto it, and keep growing it. She shaved my head hast night, and trimmed the beard up a bit. Just evened up the longer bits. Mine seldom annoys me, even in summer. 

 I recon tying it up will help mate. Even putting some oil through it would probably help, but doubt you'd be bothered with that. Either way, it'd be a shame if you had to get rid of it.

That’s why she won’t let ya shave the love brush mate became she likes it ticking her thighs 

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21 hours ago, Ken's Deputy said:

Bang! I knew full well I'd hook some kunt with that one! ? Straight a fukking way, look! Congratulations!

What do you call yours? A fukking Singlet?! ?


 Clothes are clean, mate. It's genuinely just it rubbing on my chest. Then that little sheen of sweat before I wake up?

I'm fine, all day. I go to sleep fine. It's ~ for some weird reason ~ that point when, hours later, I start Really waking up. And the skin raking begins.

As for these skinny latte boys and their oils? Ask Archie! Fukked if I'd know!

Ooohh!!! Do you oil and balm it too? Have you got a lishp? ? I was asking for fellow men. Not fukking hipsters!

Wash yer beard wae this stuff had a big ginger beard years home bargains works for me


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Ah. Different situation, mate :( My chin's fine. Never a bother from stubble to this thing.

It seems to be this weird reaction between sweat, on my neck / chest and the beard hair contacting it.

It's fukking terrible! Ten times worse that you might get from fibreglass loft insulation.

I'd think about putting something on my skin. But, stopping a sheen of sweat isn't really practical. Especially when that shit's caused by nightmares in the first place. And there's no stopping those fukkers.


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