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Ferret fed dry grub

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Didn't mean to eat them right there but a ferret will kill with a view to eat it.

Wouldn't a ferret only kill in defence or to eat at some point.don't they only hunt for food.

Just asking.i aint having any off liners on the ferret section.although i think this is the only section i aint.

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12 minutes ago, terryd said:

yea used to feed bread and milk as a kid because the old fella told me so. Makes me cringe thinking back. Them poor sods ate meat no worries when they got chance

Do you think they had more lay  ups or less ?

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1 hour ago, fred90 said:

i once fetched a dark jill off a old boy that kept everything donkeys years ago. it had all 4 fangs snapped off.by god there was some barbaric old cxxxys.

Read that it was common to do so, prob not wanting waste time with a lay up if they wasn't supposed to be there. 

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That was a evil thing snapping there fangs of. The other evil thing were these.


Metal muzzles, I,ve been told they used to make them out of string as well. Was given it keep it a an antique.

As for food I don't feed them rabbit, but they do get meat. I feed 10 or 12 grams of meat in the morning when i put them in a run on the lawn and the same again in the evening before they go back in their hutch. In the hutch I have a bowl of Alpha or Wellbeloved to eat what they want. I don't have to worry about meat stored in the nest box. When I was a young'en we fed bread and milk as other lads have said, did as are fathers told us, poor bxggers lucky if they reached 5 years. No deep freezers christ never even had a fridge just a larder Lol. Now we have the internet as well you can look up any thing.

Cheers Arry


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