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Good evening Ladies and Gents, it's been a while since I last posted, mostly due to the forum not working properly on Tapatalk, but such is life.

Since I was last here I have been lucky enough to realise a teenage dream, I have managed to get my hands on a rifle I used to drool over when I was a young man thumbing though the pages of AGW. I have managed to get hold of a minty .20 Theoben MFR with carbon shroud, tuned by the legendary KevG last year, and what a rifle!!

I have also pushed the boat out and bought her a spanking Vortex Viper HS 4-16X44, which is one of the sharpest scopes I have ever looked through, unfortunately my MFR is not fitted with a 11mm rail, leaving the sportsmatch 30mm mounts I ordered rather useless. However, after a bit of research I have managed to order some Theoben medium 30mm mounts and these are inbound, I will have the Viper fitted for the weekend.

Luckily for me, the rifle came with a little Nikko Stirling 3-12X50 already fitted, allowing me to get out and get some groups in, at 45 yards it was very good, considering I was only lightly supported I was quite impressed (picture below (two flyers top and left was my mate pellet testing his HW100 BTW)), it's also quiet as a mouse's fart due to the shroud.

So, just to recap, the MFR is beautiful, accurate, consistent and built like a feckin tank! I am head over heals in love with it, I'll post up some more pictures once I have the Viper fitted.

Thanks guys


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Rez, tapatalk is the app that you can use to access all your forums in one place, it's great, it's just that on here it doesn't let you scroll past page one of a thread, really annoying, I've reported it but haven't had an answer as yet.

The rifle is spot on, that group is using JSB Exacts, I have some H&N FTT on the way too, should flatten the trajectory a bit more being 2 grains lighter. I'll update with more findings


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Just took the new combo out and took a bunny 70+ yards supported, perfect headshot, I thought I'd missed cos it hit the deck so quick. First time out with the scope and using the 2 grain lighter H&N FTT. What a combination!353e279e9cd6b137b14c1f8a5f19dbd3.jpg


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