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Couple Hours Up At The Copse

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Just like many of you lot it was far too nice an evening to be indoors so what better way to spend the last couple of hours of daylight than sat up in the copse at one with nature.


So after a tea of bunny burgers made last week I set off and was sat up in the top part of the copse so that I could both watch the area in front of the old warren:




As well as some open trees that were drawing in a few pigeons a few weeks back:




Soon after getting comfortable there were a few pigeons coming in but all were heading for the thicker cover and even though some came within 20 yards or less they were impossible to spot let alone get a clear shot.


Then looking towards a more open ash tree I spied one that I had not noticed arriving a well placed AA Express dropped it and it crashed down through the branches.


Over the next hour plenty more came in but it was just too frustrating to spot them and get a clear shot. Then to my right a spied a rabbit just 17 yards away and quickly put this one in the bag. For the next half an hour I really concentrated on the pigeons that were still coming in but all to no avail. Then again to my right I spied some movement and lovely looking fox came trotting through and picked up the scent of the rabbit that was still just 17 yards away. As it was just about to pick it up I squeaked it to look up and showed my hand for it to bolt away.


The bats were now coming out and with little light in the copse it was time to pack up. Collected the rabbit for a quick photo, but it was a very old rabbit that was covered in lots of hard little lumps over its body so decided to chuck it back for the fox to collect later.




All packed away and then crows came into the big tree and I dropped the first one and was rewarded with the second one cawing manically and coming back onto the same tree and stay just long enough to join its mate in the rough below.


On the way back I managed to also get a couple young rabbits that were hitting a corner of a wheat field that would make some welcome ferret food.


All in all a nice pleasant couple of hours, not a big bag but enjoyable enough and to hear all those songbirds alone was pleasure enough.

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