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How Old?

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Just out of interest how old were you when you got your first ferret and what made you decide to get into it? We have a huge range of guys on this forum and it would be nice to hear some back stories for some of the new guys like myself.

I'm still waiting to get my first pair ( if anyone knows of any in south wales then let me know ?), I've always been interested and have had a few uncles with ferrets in the past and just decided to get stuck in finally! So that's a bit of my story, what's yours? Kinga

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Got my first ferret at 8 yrs old ,came home from school & mum said see had a surprise for me.She had found a ferret in her hen house & had put a drum over it ,bloody thing bie hell out of me.But I got a cage made ,a carry box out of an old banana case, & Dad showed me how to make nets out of any old twine I could find.I am now73yrs old & have never been without a ferret in the back yard.I have 10 at the moment but because of health problems they would not know what a rabbit looks like,but hope that changes soon

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Had to little jills for my tenth birthday off my uncle-went to France on a rugby tour and came back my old girl had sold them,my hutch and carrying box and about 40 hand made nets-I was not a happy 14 yr old lol.atb dc

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Was born into dogs etc, always had a lurcher or terrier for bushing around but my old mans main thing was runners my brother was 12 an me 8 there was a man selling them for a fiver he got a white one I got a polecat and a few nets to get us going, my kids are now 11 and 6 an they're natural to them don't know any different other than having them around

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I must have been 10 or there about's I had been begging for a ferret for ages, then one day my father brought home a lovely little kit with a cracking coat on her. I handle her before school and as soon as I got home. Got the board rubber thrown at me many times as I looked out the school window day dreaming of ferreting, just wanted to be out there.

One day went to check up on her and she was gone I was frantic looking every where then I found her, my little sister had got her out dressed her up in dolls clothes and was pushing around in a dolls pram ferret was not bothered at. I was mighty pissed off gave her some right ear ache laugh about it now when we reminisce.


Cheers Arry

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Reckon I was probably 6 or 7, was in lower school anyhow, gramps kept ferrets all his life, and so did dad, gramps got old and I'll and stopped keeping them, used to hear the stories of him and dad ferreting, long netting, and more often than not poaching, kept asking for them, then whilst out at a friends his neighbour said he was giving up ferreting and was getting rid, so I pleaded and parents gave in, cam home with a polecat Jill, best £2.50 I ever did spend, old man got his interest re-kindled and I have been keeping them ever since, this is my second year not having any, but also my last as I got my name down on a couple of kits this year, can't wait.

Wish I could post pics on here of some of the days and the ferrets I have had over the years.

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every year at birthday and christmass my mum would ask "what would you like for a gift" .................. "ferrets mum" "no chance son"................ "well waders then please" "sorry son but not them either" this went on for years.............. until i left home and set up with what was at the time my girlfriend.............. she also was very clear that ferrets were not an option.................... so when we split up 3 years ago my sister went out and obtained me a couple of sinkers................ i was 37 by then!!!

been happily bolting to nets since then.....................

new girlfriend is not to keen on them but puts up with them!

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