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New Pups A Nutter

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Just got a new pup a lovely merle collie x bull whippet / saluki x greyhound gorgeous little thing only problem is she's a nut case she's two month old today but acts like a pure bull breed she savages my deerhound lurcher usually hanging off his lips luckily he doesn't get to angry she also bites my ankles fingers what ever she can get when we're playing and locks on, not ideal in a rabbiting dog!! I am thinking she will probably grow out of this stage but never owned anything with any bull in it before apart from [BANNED TEXT] I had a pet staffs years ago which is we're I'm getting comparisons from. Any one here had a crazy pup that turned out ok my deerhound x was not like this, also the pups parents were nice natured dogs.


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It's a pup and its pushing to see what it can get away with ... It just needs to learn some manners ........

nothing to do with having bull in there, because the amount of other breeds in there any type temp could come through . its more your prob bit soft with it , meaning the pup not been put in her plac

Nice little pup, When a pup is stimulated / excited it has to act on it , it has no impulse control at that stage in it's development, in fact the more any dog was stimulated as a pup the harder i

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nothing to do with having bull in there, because the amount of other breeds in there any type temp could come through . its more your prob bit soft with it , meaning the pup not been put in her place when it try's it on . .from 8 weeks to 8 months old any pup got know what it can and carnt do . :yes: all pups are bit different some bold, some nervous ,etc. you have to deal with them each different, your boss, then your family, then your dog, if your dog daft enough to put up with a pup nipping him, that's his prob not yours. I had old lurcher bitch that would sort all my new pups out if they try it on, with in secs she nail them the pups then new there place with her lol . my 2 dogs now have great temps love people and like other dogs, but both would nip any pup if they tried it on with them . when the pup nips you a firm no , if still no good then a no and then little shake of it neck , and that will stop the pup, its only the same as what its mother would do to it . :yes: just watch pups playing , they soon sort out there pecking order with each other .!

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Nice little pup,

When a pup is stimulated / excited it has to act on it , it has no impulse control at that stage in it's development, in fact the more any dog was stimulated as a pup the harder impulse control is as a grown animal and when a dog is super excited it is drawn to mouth something , anything within reach


The trick is to keep it on an even keel , don't ffs play with it in the house , your just making a cross for your own back , try and not overexcite it,


The calmer you raise a pup the less problems you going to have with bad behaviour, whining , barking , mouthing , ripping shit up ,


If ya don't put excitement in you don't get it back out , best of luck


Don't believe any of this crap the pup has some sort of a plan in mind to become dominant or is hatching a masterful plan by checking your reactions for weakness and trying to social climb,


When's it's tired it sleeps , when it needs to crap it craps and when it's excited it bites , simple as ..

Edited by Casso
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Pups and dogs test things and feel them with their mouths. A young pup always mouths and chew sstuff usually to help relieve teething pain . The hanging off other dogs faces throws back to them licking and pulling their mothers face to get her to regurgitate solid food for them during weaning.

Edited by desertbred
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Thanks for the feedback chaps my other puppy used to bite n mouth but this one seem to want to savage, it even growls while doing it. Like what has been said there all different so I'll be a bit more stern with her and get her out of it. I think I needed some reassurance that a didn't have a pyscopathic pup on my hands.

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I had a similar problem when my young dog was a pup. I got him very young and I think he missed a lot of playing with his siblings, he was the biggest in litter and most boysterous. He then turned to biting me, the mrs my sisters instead. He got very bad, I asked vets for some instruction when he was jabbed and even now at 12 months as soon as he sees another dog or something that stimulates him I find him hanging off my sleeve or fingers. He's hangs off my other saluki x and the Labrador when they out. I wouldn't suggest he was an aggressive dog either but I think he's lacked a firm hand.

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I agree mate problem is he's a big dominant dog and I would say he is probably the top dog within my group. So does that mean he should be put into his place by me? And to put in nicely I should take less crap

yep. grab him by the neck and lift him off the floor and shout at him, size means feck all , ive thrown 11st bullmastiff about when he got to full of him self . regards the other dogs your in charge , if you don't want them fighting just do to the lot, like I said to this dog show your boss :yes:

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He doesnt know his position in the group, it needs to be taught sooner than later or its a major problem waiting to happen down the line.

It don't work like that , I don't confront pups for expressing natural canine behaviour , if you manage them and don't hyper excite them they're not half as worked up , when you excite you ignite


The puppy stage is not the right time for confronting a emotionally driven pup, the pup may need to bite it's programmed to bite when we confront that urge we cause a kink in its expression , maybe not in the next few months but it will show at maturity when we want to work hand to mouth with it


I have never had a biting dog ever not as much as a growl or a white eye look , I manage pups and channel it's biting into appropriate items , it honours the canine expression but doesn't confront it


It's a feeling the pup acts on not a thought , start inferring thoughts into a 8 week old pup head and you will in vision all sorts of terrible deeds waiting, if we break it down to the reality of the situation it becomes clear

If we don't ignite the fire we don't have to struggle to put it out , it's the same with every pup ,

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There is a pack order I maintain The first Me then Wife and Kids then the dogs they sort their own pack order out unless I am around then they put their heads down, You dominate and also teach them that the family rank higher than they do.

Edited by desertbred
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