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Moslem Caught Out Lol

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I dont hate any nationality, I hate individuals and groups who want to kill people for no other reason than they dont follow the same brand of religion as them, I hate people who want to come to my co

I Know Off Irish Catholic People (Good Hard Working Men) Who Worked In The Uk (The Midlands) In The 70s & Left Because Off Bad Feelings / Fear Towards Them Through The Threat Of Terrorism . . And

So you don't see the irony in this episode at all then mate? Dads a radical, then, then plays the innocent victim when his daughter runs off to join isis, just what would they have to do to convin

Haha surely you can put your racist views to the side and mire


So you don't see the irony in this episode at all then mate? Dads a radical, then, then plays the innocent victim when his daughter runs off to join isis, just what would they have to do to convince someone like you :blink:

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I want to know what now is going to be done? havent seen shit on the news. f***ing top gear got more coverage. scumbag will brainwash his daughters.to hate the west and let her go n fight while staying here enjoying the benefits of the west. No great media coverage probably to make sure there isnt a chance of a kick off just before voting not that there would be anyway.

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Guest ragumup

Is this another tatic? we saw those c**ts at that group cage telling us jhadi john was a lovely bloke or whatever they said. They too blamed the police for turning him. Then pops up showing them agreeing that its ok to stone people. abit like how were all fed up but wont go march the streets. These lot wont go fight but they support it. Watched the cameron n milliband shit yesterday n thought hmm cant see labpur voters shifting but tory will loose votes to ukip n cant see ukip getting in but no way want labour. So i thought is it worth thinking tatical n going tory but none mentioned the issue with issue and as for it not being an issue pfff it wished to destory our way of life.

Under sharia law the kuffar are ment to pay the extortionate jizya tax so from an Islamic perspective things are right ... and telling lies and blaming everyone else is part of this religion because ,you've guessed it Mohammad did it .


Don't forget the SNP is also taking a big chunk of labour votes so that even things up ... Vote with your heart as f-all will change with Camoron!

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I'm surprised that the resident Hunting Life liberal appeaser Pesky hasn't made an appearance on this thead yet.


There's poor little minority terrorists that need defending by cowardly apologists, where are you Pesky.............???

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I'm surprised that the resident Hunting Life liberal appeaser Pesky hasn't made an appearance on this thead yet.


There's poor little minority terrorists that need defending by cowardly apologists, where are you Pesky.............???


No mate, they never answer the hard one, they pick and choose :laugh:

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Haha surely you can put your racist views to the side and mire

Islam a race then?

No wee peas but calling someone a paki because they were born in Russia, grew up in Australia and had

darker skin is smart arse.



Ethnic kurd, not a paki my mistake, a rag head, sand nigger whatever

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