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A Winter Walk With A Desert Dawg..

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Good season old boy the FREZZERS are full iam all minced out the dogs have feed therm selfs again for the hole year thanks to my mate the skipper and his little cottage the pie bitch did a 11 then a 4 daytime then a 9 out 9 the next night not bad coming from a grey lmust be the water boots has served you well that bit of grey has done that line good it seems onwards and upwards it's nearly time for the salmon fishing keep it simple old boy old jack has through a real yin fingers crossed for the fishing keep it simple and keep your cards close to your chest atb edrd desert Pom you mean that's a hairy greyhound lol

Cheers folks I appreciate your comments.. Bob have you no intention of breeding off that bitch out of Jack x Grey? You've always liked her and rated her and I'm glad she made the grade for you as I know if it couldn't handle the workload it wouldn't be you feeding it of a night lol..ain't a clue how much Greyhound is in that wooly mutt of mine but whatever it does a job albeit poorly haha..I'm easily pleased these days it gets like that as you get older trust me lol..enjoy your fishing when it comes along..atb buddy

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Aye it will be just trekking the fells for the spring/summer months Max and I'm gonna do a few Munro's up over the border too..dogs have done pretty well Max,over the moon with the big young dog,no world beater but he's handy and that does for me these days,Swift lives with my eldest lad now in the house so although she still gets to see a bit not like she has done in past years but still she's well looked after & that's the main thing..Don ain't the dog he was but still a great workhorse of a dog and enjoys life every bit as much as he has ever done so he will just keep doing what he does..they've all managed to achieve certain things this past season that has certainly opened my eyes whilst hunting in their company so although I may not be as much of an active hunter as I once was I'm still chipping away and doing my thing and enjoy every trip out hail,rain or shine and whether we score or blank..

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:yes:Cracking images Andy...

I'm of the same mind as yourself,...only my attitude has come about, due to age and ill-health,...but,..nowadays,..I just want to go for quality sport ( the craic and good company of course),..over sheer quantity....


Keep on,.keepin on.... :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Great pictures as always


We've been properly short changed for snow this year. I hope we get some over here soon

You should count yourself lucky the snows just a pain in the ass.

I love it, long walks down country lane at night with no need to switch on a light. Stuff standing out a mile off against the white backdrop, waiting for collection lol

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:yes:Cracking images Andy...

I'm of the same mind as yourself,...only my attitude has come about, due to age and ill-health,...but,..nowadays,..I just want to go for quality sport ( the craic and good company of course),..over sheer quantity....


Keep on,.keepin on.... :thumbs:





Hope the health issues are nothing to serious Phil? Ive arthritis in my spine plus a few knackered discs amongst other shite,knees,hips the lot all give me ballache but we plod on best we can if not more slowly and in more pain each trip out..looking at that pic Phil i can see a good owld gash down the curs rear leg ..anything serious or just another war wound of little consequence? You've lived the dream buddy,us lot cannot even imagine the life you've lived with lurchers..your longevity in the game has little if any equals..don't be stopping now these lot will call you a jacking cur haha
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I'll never give up mouching,...none of us can, eh...


No,..its a bit of physical,..and mental with me (mind you, I've always been a touch mental) :laugh:


Me and Rosy celebrated 40 years of marriage t'other day,.. and I just thought back, at all the days and nights she has had to put up with dawgs,dawgs,... fecking dawgs...

Poor lass,....I think the day has come, to devote a wee bit more time to her.... :yes:


Yeah, the young cur bitch took a right hard tumble on her first run the other morning...

We were far from home,.on an invite,.so there was no going back,.plus our hosts had already twigged on, that they were in the company of a brace of soft southern pooftas,...so I let my wee bitch do the bleeding for me...!

She was no great shakes,..we had a few bolts ,..the ground was pretty awkward for a tiny hedgerow cur,.but we did what we could...

I've had far better lurchers,.but also had a lot worse... :laugh:


Anyway,..its back to the woods for us,...back to what we know...


Thanks for those kind words,...all the best, Phil.




Edited by Phil Lloyd
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