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Have started some of mine around fourty weeks most a little later one a little earlier

Target them all 100 rabbits before a year old

I've had two deerhound x great hound first crosses as well as my lurchers these were both killing at 8 month and I've worked a number or pure bred deerhounds and all these were lamping rabbits at 10 month one bitch at just over 9 month for her first rabbit on the lamp

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Easy answer,get rid of the dogs as it obvious you don't know what you are doing,and take up a different hobby pal.thats 1 reason why the game is knackered and decent lads have stopped coming on here atb with what ever you choose.

What a complete bellend- I suppose u come out the womb with a lamp n lurcher in hand didn't you... The mans asking for advice and then cocks like you get your ten pence worth in. Tool! To young yet mate, 11mnths I usually start them, depending on there mentality, but there's no rush in entering them

I'm a tool haha what a fecking crank you are,why the feck should somebody start to get into lurchers now after all the dickheads in there subarus a killed it for everybody.or I forgot they are top lads and know what they are doing.feck I must be on the wrong shite oops site.after 34yrs if I didn't know what I was doing I would of packed in years ago knobby.the lurcher game is over now but like I said why start it now as there isn't half as much about now.mods please will you delete me off this shitty site much appreciated

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What's the best age 2 take ur pup ot lamping wi u

I won,t take a youngster on a lamping foray until it can navigate obstacles encountered,gates,walls,fences etc.Thats not to say that lamping education should not start far earlier,i go into the back field and get pups used to the lamp and retrieve,throwing objects illuminated by the lamp and letting the pup chase and retrieve,then throwing the dummy and then illuminating it and slowly getting the youngster to follow and learn.Its rare that ill have a youngster chasing bunnys in the lamp until its reached 10 months of age.

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