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Is It A Good Idea

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I thought i better have a punt to do one of my furthest permissions on Sunday over two hours away , after a snowy Thursday night ferreting Friday was a wash out so all the time im thinking is this wise but if i dont go now i wont get another shot for a while .

Got up at 6 am on the Sunday morning grabbed a cuppa while my son put the ferrets in the car everything else was loaded on the Saturday night and we hauled ass LOL .All the way up the motorway in darkness the car was getting buffeted by the wind and when we arrived it was galeforce i stated netting up the first burrow in front of the landowners house while my son collored up the ferrets putting a net down a rabbit bolted from the middle of the bush and im thinking at least theres one here :laugh: .

My son came over with two boxes of ferrets and instead of eight jills hes bought seven ferrets from one hutch a new polecat jill we got her six month old son who had never been out and one of our hobs who only gets a outing at two permissions with huge sandy burrows :laugh: christ can it get worse .

We got five rabbits from the first burrow and the old hobs wrapped round any rabbit at the mouth of the hole , This permission is like a old railway dead smooth in the middle for a hundred yards and rising up each side to banking maybe 12 foot high we usually ferret out on the right hand side and work back to the car doing the left , the owners a nice old lady who keeps a few horses and every time you ferret it she fills in the holes and any open burrows she places white electric fence posts in ? so what started a few years ago as huge warrens requiring 50 plus nets can now be done with twenty nets we stopped for lunch with nine rabbits after a quick bite back to work as theres only two of us and we are loosing daylight .

We finished up at the back of the owners house and had plans to do another burrow and take a end of the day snap but a four foot dig ended those plans :laugh::laugh: so we finished the day with 19 rabbits

Next time i fancy trying it running long nets up the middle hoping i can save time as we never seem to get round all the permission , then going for fish and chips and coming back and lamping it with the rimmy

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