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Kids Killing Teacher Now!

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I worked in a school, in a tough areas, as a youth worker / councillor / advocate etc.


Worked, past tense.


I quit a couple of months back because I just got fed up of the gangster culture, the final straw being three kids telling me they were going to stab, and rape me etc.


I wanted to cave their skulls in, and thought that perhaps a change of career might be on the cards before I got in big trouble.


I don't know what or why, but something has changed, or is changing. I only started the job 5 years ago, and the levels of this kind of gangster, rude boy shit, where they think they can (and need to) intimidate everyone. . . , , has exploded.


I was on a bus with some kids, and they were shouting vile shit at an old couple "f**k you, you smelly old c**ts etc", just an old couple walking their dog past the traffic jam. When I stopped the kids, one girl asked. . . what's your problem? It's just called fun. I asked how would she feel if I did that to her granny. . . . and she said, her gran would just call me a c**t back. Maybe that says something.


Our society is falling apart and there is no future for them, so they just act like f***ing twats, take what they can and live to be the big man.


The biggest aspiration amongst the kids I worked with, well, many of them, wasn't even to be a footballer or pop star or movie star or something daft like that. It was to be a smack dealer, because they are the ones driving around in the big car and buying the expensive clothes.


Sad world innit.


Rant over lol.

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It taught me plenty of little bits and bobs but obviously not muh after 14 because I never went after that.   But let me tell you, as I always say to my kids, it's a f***ing piece of piss to be ordi

To appease the liberals  

I worked in a school, in a tough areas, as a youth worker / councillor / advocate etc.   Worked, past tense.   I quit a couple of months back because I just got fed up of the gangster culture, the

Ideation, there vermin breeding vermin all over the show mate......you can't odds that but I don't Believe it's the rule, I think it's the exception.


Maybe I am lucky in my little area, whatever if the parents are no hopers then thee only hope is a way out through school ?

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Whats gone wrong with this world?


I suspect, JD, what ever it is, it has a Lot to do with the passage of the time when ye mother could say:


" You wait till ye father gets home! "


And the kid wouldn't stand there, hands on hips, and sneer back:


" Yeah? And what's he gonna f**king do? Cos I only have to ring that f**king number ....!


I Know My Rights!!! "

When I was getting a telling off for something I would use the "I'm going to phone child services" line. My Dad's reply was always "well come here and I'll give you something to phone about!!"

Funny thing is my Dad never hit me once....on the other hand my Mum used to batter my little c**t in.

I'll just add I only ever used that line in a jokey way.....I'd never have said that when I knew an ass whooping was on it's way.

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I don't understand what's happened to the next generation. I've only just turnt 23 and remember my mums mates how things have got worse. I used to think ah it's just the old saying that but already at the age of 23 I think things are worse. That said ill hold my hands up I've carried a knife. Never mugged anyone in my life and probably had 3 fights in the last 5 years. My reason was simply because I knew these sort of c**ts was. My atitude was I'd rather be leaving the scene in a bully van than an ambulance. You can give me a few years and ill get out but you might not come back if stabbed. Only thing that would piss me off is that I'd of thrown my life away for some little wanna be c**t who wasnt ever gonna make anything of theirs.


If I visit my old area and see a few the younger boys I half take the piss and try to educate em without preaching. Know a few little wanna be types who think their gangsters and sell score bags of puff. Simply ask em how many drug dealers in the shithole area they know? How many of them own their own house, have a nice family, go on holiday once a year and aren't known to the police? And people get that from just working. Think alot of them probably lack the confidence funny enough dispite being mouthy little shits. Couldn't imagine them even attending an interview for a job. The ones who don't even listen when you try tell them well...I tell them I hope you like it around here because this is it for you as good as it gets. A life in and out of prison for petty crime, few kids with silly names which fucks their chance of getting a job. But hey as long as you have the latest trainers your a winner.


Now days if I was to see anyone from my old area mind you I wouldn't even bother. You can't help those who don't wanna help themselves and I'm not trying to be a saint. Kill each other for all i care and rap about it on YouTube. Lol honestly I have such a hate for these sort of mugs having grown up around em in london.

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Very sad story , who knows what the hell goes on in peoples minds to drive them to do something like stab another person to death , its looking like this lad like millions of other kids was another x box addict , it really bothers me as to how much influence these games like GTA & call of duty have on young minds in some cases


I guess like everything else if theres a ballance & parental guidance it is no real problem ... in this case it clearly was a problem along with other influences

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Whats gone wrong with this world?


I suspect, JD, what ever it is, it has a Lot to do with the passage of the time when ye mother could say:


" You wait till ye father gets home! "


And the kid wouldn't stand there, hands on hips, and sneer back:


" Yeah? And what's he gonna f**king do? Cos I only have to ring that f**king number ....!


I Know My Rights!!! "

When I was getting a telling off for something I would use the "I'm going to phone child services" line. My Dad's reply was always "well come here and I'll give you something to phone about!!"

Funny thing is my Dad never hit me once....on the other hand my Mum used to batter my little c**t in.

I'll just add I only ever used that line in a jokey way.....I'd never have said that when I knew an ass whooping was on it's way.

If I'd have said I was going to phone child services I'd have been told to book an ambulance first :D

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