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Project Hw77K Mk1 (Pic Heavy)

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Again you're working miracles on a gun that looks as though it had been used as a shed door stop in all weathers. It's looking pretty damn good now. Can't believe it's the same gun (not that I'm doubt

You had your work cut out there bud but your just the man to sort her out top job from a top man atvbmac :thumbs:

Bit of a update

Used The Phillips blue paste and cracking stuff sorted the patches in seconds IL be using that again

The being looks nice and dark now nice job compared to how she looked before

The trigger has been fully stripped all internals polished up and the years of gunk grease and grime removed has come up perfect not even going to paint it looks nice in shiny oiled metal

These triggers are Amazing so smooth on both stages

I have seated the spring and greased up the spring and guide and added 1 pre load washer

Cleaned up the piston and compression tube again again lubed using a silicone based lube

And rebuilt the whole acton and lubed ready to go! Smooth as butter now this is onto be a nice old 77 when built up

Started stripping stock and its soaking now will be rinsed and dried to be sanded in next day or two

Using birchwood walnut again and couple of coats of tru oil for a Matt finish

Getting there now pics.........

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Yea will do tom it will be back together probs tomorrow!



Got cracking on stock at half 5 this morning (awaken by baby lol)

Stripped it with nitromorse last night and washed down left overnight to dry a couple of hours sanding then applied the walnut stain

Did few coats on cheek pice and top of stock 1st and foreend to marble affect the colour

just added 1st cote of tru oil

20140420_105231.jpg 20140420_105224.jpg 20140420_105251.jpg 20140420_105241.jpg 20140420_105312.jpg 20140420_105256.jpg

looks very dark but should dry a touch lighter

got trigger back in action

fit new anti bear trap and safety catch

I've now removed the safety as wasn't happy with how it was working not smooth at all so will leave removed I think probably why was removed in 1st place just didn't seem to like having a safety mite have another look at it later

few more coats of oil then will wire wool and light oil to remove any imperfections and leave matt finish

I left the stock with slight roughness on grain didn't use glass paper as the 97k I did took oil a lot better and the final rub down with wool left mirror finish

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Thanks mate was a challenge this 1 but enjoyed it

The being was a challenge but after speaking to gunsmith even hot blue dosnt like taking to some old hw‘s something to do with the composit of metal they used to use bit patchy but a million times better then it was

Shoots so sweet though and consistency on chrono was UN real

Sure its new owner will be happy I'm going to put a few more pellets through it in morning to bed it in but overall happy happy

Want to track a hw35 for next project :-)

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