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Mr & Mrs Nutkins

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Well my brother is on moving house so he rang and asked me to pop over with my new hunting tool to have a look at his new house,I must admit its really nice as its an old farm house sat in the middle of a wood, any way he showed me round the house then said why don't you have a quick walk round the back to see if there's any pigeons, when I got round. The back I just sat under the trees as I could hear woody,s cooing, then something caught my eye, 2 squirrels chasing each other round the trunk of a tree about 35-40 yards away so I watched them until the first 1 stopped, that 1 received a hot aa field to the back of the head, it dropped like a stone, when it hit the ground the other 1 ran down the trunk and started to chase the now dead tree rat around the floor (as it was bouncing around of the nerves any way it wouldn't keep it's head still so I had to take a heart/lung shot and that was 2,needless to say I will be back over my brothers to control the population as he said there is plenty around, and I'm loving the regal aswell

Here's a couple of pics

Atb rc1


Sorry about the pics I think it's because I've resized the too much



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Well my brother is on moving house so he rang and asked me to pop over with my new hunting tool to have a look at his new house,I must admit its really nice as its an old farm house sat in the middle of a wood, any way he showed me round the house then said why don't you have a quick walk round the back to see if there's any pigeons, when I got round. The back I just sat under the trees as I could hear woody,s cooing, then something caught my eye, 2 squirrels chasing each other round the trunk of a tree about 35-40 yards away so I watched them until the first 1 stopped, that 1 received a hot aa field to the back of the head, it dropped like a stone, when it hit the ground the other 1 ran down the trunk and started to chase the now dead tree rat around the floor (as it was bouncing around of the nerves any way it wouldn't keep it's head still so I had to take a heart/lung shot and that was 2,needless to say I will be back over my brothers to control the population as he said there is plenty around, and I'm loving the regal aswell

Here's a couple of pics

Atb rc1


Sorry about the pics I think it's because I've resized the too much

nice going rc1 the new toy looks sweet buddy


the tree rat on the left looks like its cracking one off :laugh:

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Well my brother is on moving house so he rang and asked me to pop over with my new hunting tool to have a look at his new house,I must admit its really nice as its an old farm house sat in the middle of a wood, any way he showed me round the house then said why don't you have a quick walk round the back to see if there's any pigeons, when I got round. The back I just sat under the trees as I could hear woody,s cooing, then something caught my eye, 2 squirrels chasing each other round the trunk of a tree about 35-40 yards away so I watched them until the first 1 stopped, that 1 received a hot aa field to the back of the head, it dropped like a stone, when it hit the ground the other 1 ran down the trunk and started to chase the now dead tree rat around the floor (as it was bouncing around of the nerves any way it wouldn't keep it's head still so I had to take a heart/lung shot and that was 2,needless to say I will be back over my brothers to control the population as he said there is plenty around, and I'm loving the regal aswell

Here's a couple of pics

Atb rc1


Sorry about the pics I think it's because I've resized the too much

nice going rc1 the new toy looks sweet buddy


the tree rat on the left looks like its cracking one off :laugh:

He had a set of balls on him like a Bengal tiger I'm surprised he could climb a tree!

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