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as long as you have a valid reason for owning this caliber rifle ie deer and fox control if you apply for use on both spiecies puting deer first you should have

I'm getting lost with all the Bull here, YES, you can have a .243 on first grant for Fox, or whatever you like if you can justify it!   THE END!

as long as you have a valid reason for owning this caliber rifle ie deer and fox control if you apply for use on both spiecies puting deer first you should have no problem

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I had 223 and 308 on my first FAC ticket but I could only use them in my local shooting club were I am a member

The land I shoot over is approved to 243...

My FAO told me to give it a year and then apply for a variation for the 223 for fox control


Hope this helps



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why would you want a . 243 for solely fox control.........more smaller cals out there for that specific task .223 .204 .22.250. .222 .22 hornet ???....... you may find the firearms officer asking you the same question.............and if he does your reply will be ????........ but good luck any

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I think it depends where you are. i got 243 with my first fac, no mentor or similar. With a DSC 1 or on renewal it is open, which makes little difference really. I really wanted mine open after a couple of years, but as you need permission to shoot the ground, the only difference is it may not be police checked. Most ground is, so the difference is one phone call, or it is here.


Mine is now open and i still shoot in the same places.


243 may be seen as heavy for fox, 222, 223 and 22 250 are excellent fox rounds, but i use the 243 for everything except reds. However regardless what is hit with a 222 or 243 its day is spoilt, so i would hope you would get it granted as you have good cause.


good luck

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