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Most Hares On Lamp

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Why do people think it was wrong to catch hares on the lamp but thought it was fine to catch rabbits, fox etc on the lamp?   Usually these same people seem to think it was fine to catch breeding an

Get a feckin life thers no rules to this stuff whatever feeds me and the dogs gets catched day or night end of

To be honest...it's way to late in the game for me to get sanctimonious and moralistic...but with this modern technology in not sure these "what's the most" threads do us any favours...

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Iv seen 9 took all run doubled up on medium sized fields same dogs had over 30 bunnys between them that night. They were run singly. I heard lads down bottom of england doing 15s. I believe the guy and would like to see it done

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Why do people think it was wrong to catch hares on the lamp but thought it was fine to catch rabbits, fox etc on the lamp? :hmm:


Usually these same people seem to think it was fine to catch breeding and pregnant hares :icon_eek:


I would have much rather seen a hare caught on the lamp than shot :yes: but would not tell a man who was shooting them he was doing wrong :no:


The lurcher world is full of hypocrites and from what I can see a lot of jealousy :sorry:

Edited by C Hall
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people make me piss when they say hare,s are piss easy on the lamp, i can take folk to place were you deffo thing diffrent, and im willing to take you iff any 1 wants to show me,,how easy they are,,

Edited by tjones3862
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