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They Are At It In Edinburgh Now

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Thats only 10 minutes from me, wish there was a way to bait these fuckers! If they have family of their own they should tell them how much they love them every night, coz one day someones getting hold of them and that'll be that.

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:icon_eek: Two f**king muzzers ask a kiddie to get into their motor and " Police say there may have been a genuine reason for them approaching the boy " Just f**king breath taking!!! Damage Limitation's started already!!! It is f**king unbelievable how far the authorities will bend over Not to upset these c**ts!


If I, a white guy, asked a little girl to get into my motor; Would they say there might have been a 'genuine reason'? No! They'd pull out all the stops to find me, get me down the bridewell and give me a f**king good 'talking to'.


I think I've just become officially unshockable now. Nothing the British institution will do to appease these vermin will faze me now. I've seen too much.


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surprised it made the news that white lad commiting suicide because of them didnt. also keep a look out for the subtle anti white propaganda trotted out in the papers when covering these sort of stories such as using white models when talking about female genital mutilation for example.

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:icon_eek: Two f**king muzzers ask a kiddie to get into their motor and " Police say there may have been a genuine reason for them approaching the boy " Just f**king breath taking!!! Damage Limitation's started already!!! It is f**king unbelievable how far the authorities will bend over Not to upset these c**ts!


If I, a white guy, asked a little girl to get into my motor; Would they say there might have been a 'genuine reason'? No! They'd pull out all the stops to find me, get me down the bridewell and give me a f**king good 'talking to'.


I think I've just become officially unshockable now. Nothing the British institution will do to appease these vermin will faze me now. I've seen too much.


They will do anything to promote them and demonise us.


Like that Indian student who got shot not so long back, although it was terrible that an innocent person got killed, because it was White on Asian violence they immediately called it a race crime! And it was all over the news! A white child takes his life because of the racism he suffered and we hear nothing of it!


They won't be happy until the average white working class person is completely wiped off the face of the earth!


It's hunting season and whites are fair game!

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