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Irish Greyhound Coursing Clubs

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for all the irish lads on here and to any others that this disscussion may be relevant feel free to join in.In the last few seasons I have gone out of my way to avoid know and claimed coursing land...

thirty years ago they wrecked my van in ardee,now i have more farms to go on than they have to net on,makes you mad.they try to stop you running an doing the best sport in the world,one dog one hare.a

the other thing that pisses me off(oh know hes off again I hear you scream),they get on to land net the shit out of it,cart away anything they net and when they have sufficient hares traped they STILL

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HBB im just going to run the gauntlet and hope i dont come unstuck,fuk em.ive as much right to walk the land as any man/woman/or child once ive the landowners permission.MF thats a bloody good idea,I do try to park near a house or main road or farmers house,more likely to slow them down from battering yer van.as i said earlier seany,its not a sport to them its a money makeing racket,i know as I pts a lot of their dogs for them,they dont care a shit about the animals involved,just the £signs

good luck to you mate hope it works out for you good idea to leave your van in or close to the farmers yard not so easy for them to trash your van. Atb hillbilly
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It won't be long before they're banned anyway when national newspapers print articles like this:- http://www.irishexaminer.com/archives/2012/0818/opinion/cub-hunting-and-netting-of-hares-far-from-sports-ideal-204509.html

They'll start to panic and look for support then but after it's banned the hares won't be worth anything to them.

It's easy for people brought up in the countryside to get a false idea of public opinion since they only mix with people like themselves. The population has changed a lot since the celtic tiger and it's my belief that there're more townies now than country people. It's my humble that if it went to a public vote tomorrow, hunting and coursing would both be gone, leaving the antis to start on shooting and fishing.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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that john callan fella that wrote that article is a right prick,always trying to stir it up,hes the head anti in IRISH COUNCIL AGAINST BLOOD SPORTS,,,,hes been on the scene for many a long year the dopey fecker.what stuff will help the antis weasle?this is just a topic about people takeing the law into their own hands on folk that stroll around on farms with permission from the land owners.theres nothing illegal going on there.if anything these facts should spur the law makers and proctectors of property to write to the coursing clubs and advise them NOT to be vandalising cars/vans parked up on the side of country roads and NOT to assault folk that walk about legitimately doing no harm to anyone.thats my way of thinking anyway.its a good way of finding other views on the matter,topics like this .

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HBB im just going to run the gauntlet and hope i dont come unstuck,fuk em.ive as much right to walk the land as any man/woman/or child once ive the landowners permission.MF thats a bloody good idea,I do try to park near a house or main road or farmers house,more likely to slow them down from battering yer van.as i said earlier seany,its not a sport to them its a money makeing racket,i know as I pts a lot of their dogs for them,they dont care a shit about the animals involved,just the £signs

I had an issue very similar to yours when i had 2 guys down i also had permission and these lads were going on and on so i followed them back to their car and took their reg and told them if my van was touched then i would be looking for them and i didn't care if they did it i would hold them responsible and they would need fire extinguisher by their beds i never had an issue since. T

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that john callan fella that wrote that article is a right prick,always trying to stir it up,hes the head anti in IRISH COUNCIL AGAINST BLOOD SPORTS,,,,hes been on the scene for many a long year the dopey fecker.what stuff will help the antis weasle?this is just a topic about people takeing the law into their own hands on folk that stroll around on farms with permission from the land owners.theres nothing illegal going on there.if anything these facts should spur the law makers and proctectors of property to write to the coursing clubs and advise them NOT to be vandalising cars/vans parked up on the side of country roads and NOT to assault folk that walk about legitimately doing no harm to anyone.thats my way of thinking anyway.its a good way of finding other views on the matter,topics like this .

jIGSAW Does the guy who threatened you drive a red van with big white writing

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I honestly didnt see a car or van,I saw a few lads planing on ruining my day so I thought,feck this im outa here.I think they may have come from another road.I was back out there again sunday but entered from another side and a little farther on up the bog.I had no problems thankfully,lol.by any chance would we have met in a quarry afew weeks back,a teckle or two a foot hound and a lurcher was with you?

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that john callan fella that wrote that article is a right prick,always trying to stir it up,hes the head anti in IRISH COUNCIL AGAINST BLOOD SPORTS,,,,hes been on the scene for many a long year the dopey fecker.what stuff will help the antis weasle?this is just a topic about people takeing the law into their own hands on folk that stroll around on farms with permission from the land owners.theres nothing illegal going on there.if anything these facts should spur the law makers and proctectors of property to write to the coursing clubs and advise them NOT to be vandalising cars/vans parked up on the side of country roads and NOT to assault folk that walk about legitimately doing no harm to anyone.thats my way of thinking anyway.its a good way of finding other views on the matter,topics like this .

jigsaw im a member of greyhound data and a few more of us should join and post a couple of pages of this on there because the same guys who wreck our vans and cars would need our souport if ever they try to ban there organised coursing but there to thick to admit it. :thumbs:ps to post on it you have to be verified in your own name so get joined up.

Edited by hounddog3
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