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hi everyone my collie bull grey had a bad graze on his front leg took him vets as it didnt look good at all started to look infected. vets gave him some clavucill tablets ( anti biotics) and a buster collar. hes been laid up nearly 2 weeks with it and now finished course of tablets few days ago. its started to scab over but theres a lump just at side of it at the back of his leg which looks infected. dont really want him back at vets because the medication hasnt worked and charge me a fourtune. my freind has got some penicillin so im thinking about giving him a 2ml jab but what im concernd about is that he only finished tablets few days ago so will it be ok to jab him up now? thanks for any help given

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i would wait to about the fourth day after finishing the course .............then jab her .............

make sure the wound is clean..................you will have to see what the antibiotics does to the lump.....................if its infection it should go all soft and guey and start to clear up...........

good luck

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I use penicillin all the time for my dogs, for when they get cuts etc. It seems to work really well. Just make sure you try and keep the wound as clean as possible using hibiscrub or salt water. You may need to use more than one jab however depending on the results you get from the first jab, i normally miss a day then repeat. ( Im not sure this is the best way of treating your dogs, no doubt the vets will tell you other wise! But it had worked every time for me and i will continue to treat mine this way). All the best.

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cleaned everyday with either salt water or hibiscrub, when its scabbed all i do is boil kettle put some salt in a bowl and add water let it cool down a bit then wipe the scab off the clean the wound. hes had 2ml of penicillin today gunna leave it till probably tuesday then give him another jab

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gunna let it dry now and see if heals, hes got a buster collar on to stop him licking the scab off. hopefully another week 2 at the max he will be ok. these fekkin foxes are giving my saluki grey whippet a run for his money so need him back in action :D

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It's possible that the wound has become re infected or the course wasn't long enough but co amox is pretty good, keep in mind that wounds take time to heal after the infection has cleared. Id keep it clean with plain water, add a pinch of salt if you feel the need, and monitor. The odd jab of penicillin will cause as many problems as it solves as it only lasts a few hours so unless you are giving multiple doses a day it will not get rid of the bacteria and may even enable resistance to develop. Hopefully it will heal fine but if not vet.




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Then they are not penicillin both Pen V and Pen G are 6 hourly. There are some longer term antibiotics http://www.drugs.com/vet/convenia.html and some daily antibiotics such as Cephalosporins like ceftriaxone but dosing times and amounts are very important as resistance is a growing problem.

Edited by sandymere
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