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Feral lurchers.

Guest bezza

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Guest bezza

Has there ever been a genuine case of a lurcher or lurchers surviving in the wild for any length of time? Perhaps not in this country but in Spain or Italy perhaps? If so, I would guess successive generations of pups would lose their raciness and resemble Jackals/foxes/dingos. I presume they would also revert to pack hunting rather than individual hunting. Any info appreciated.

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years ago when i was a tad younger :D there was a greyhound bitch living wild for years around by us, saw it loads of times, the story goes it escaped from the local track, but dont they always :whistling: however it was real and it did survive a good few years :thumbs:

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years ago when i was a tad younger :D there was a greyhound bitch living wild for years around by us, saw it loads of times, the story goes it escaped from the local track, but dont they always :whistling: however it was real and it did survive a good few years :thumbs:

I think there was one years ago down Poole that escaped from dog track ,but it was only matter of weeks it was loose.

Edited by forest of dean redneck
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years ago when i was a tad younger :D there was a greyhound bitch living wild for years around by us, saw it loads of times, the story goes it escaped from the local track, but dont they always :whistling: however it was real and it did survive a good few years :thumbs:

I think there was one years ago down Poole that escaped from dog track ,but it was only matter of weeks it was loose.

no honestly i saw this over at least 2 years, when i was bunking off school, late 70`s, i use to find the seats it slept in at night aswell whilst i was looking for phesant eggs. the ground it lived on is now a massive housing estate :cray:
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dont know about a lurcher but there was a feral greatdane lived round us for years , it was feeding at night at a meat factory, there was a large reward for it from it owner, an i dont think there was ever any worring of livestock from it but it was defo living wild an was always in great condition

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i just spent feb march and april trying to catch a wild saluki bitch living off the land by me i daint belive it when a lad told me about it so me and my boy went to investigate and it was true it was sleeping in a big round bale of hay it had pulled out the middle and was sleeping inside it was always there during the day but when ever we went with the lamp it was nowhere to be seen outside its bale there was about 30 hare and rabbits feet as soon as it herd you it was up and off the land owner caught it in the end in a large fox trap device he had made i tried to buy the bitch off him but he said no he was keeping her he said he had left the bales in the field for her to sleep in and he had been trying to catch it for 11 months

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i just spent feb march and april trying to catch a wild saluki bitch living off the land by me i daint belive it when a lad told me about it so me and my boy went to investigate and it was true it was sleeping in a big round bale of hay it had pulled out the middle and was sleeping inside it was always there during the day but when ever we went with the lamp it was nowhere to be seen outside its bale there was about 30 hare and rabbits feet as soon as it herd you it was up and off the land owner caught it in the end in a large fox trap device he had made i tried to buy the bitch off him but he said no he was keeping her he said he had left the bales in the field for her to sleep in and he had been trying to catch it for 11 months

What's its recall like after being free roaming all that time.

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i just spent feb march and april trying to catch a wild saluki bitch living off the land by me i daint belive it when a lad told me about it so me and my boy went to investigate and it was true it was sleeping in a big round bale of hay it had pulled out the middle and was sleeping inside it was always there during the day but when ever we went with the lamp it was nowhere to be seen outside its bale there was about 30 hare and rabbits feet as soon as it herd you it was up and off the land owner caught it in the end in a large fox trap device he had made i tried to buy the bitch off him but he said no he was keeping her he said he had left the bales in the field for her to sleep in and he had been trying to catch it for 11 months

What's its recall like after being free roaming all that time.

farmer been to scared to let her off the lead yet lol hope it goes back to the same field when he does let it off ill have it this time lol
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Years ago, I took on a semi-feral lurcher: looked to have been a very finely built 25" Whippety Greyhound type. He had spent 6 months loose in Cambridgeshire, but he was apparently getting a lot of his food from a camp site which wasn't that far from a travellers' site either. People had seen him catching hares. The dog warden eventually caught him by trapping him inside a tent and letting down a net over the entrance when he went inside. He was like a wild thing, shitting and pissing himself and trying to bite everyone: but within 24 hours he had reverted to tame dog and was very biddable and sociable. Very fast dog with a good strike, but the story didn't have a totally happy ending because he got kennel cough very badly at the rescue place he went to. I took him on at almost death's door, and had to feed him liquidised food for a month because his throat was so inflamed. I got him right enough to run, but at the time I didn't realise that his lungs had been damaged by it, and he ended up getting pneumonia a year or so later and had to be put down. Lovely dog though and fast as the wind.

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Guest born to run1083

Has there ever been a genuine case of a lurcher or lurchers surviving in the wild for any length of time? Perhaps not in this country but in Spain or Italy perhaps? If so, I would guess successive generations of pups would lose their raciness and resemble Jackals/foxes/dingos. I presume they would also revert to pack hunting rather than individual hunting. Any info appreciated.

When was in turkey in April this year there was stray dogs and a few lurchers amounts them all round markets and places. They survive off tourist feeding them. Like chart said over here lurchers don't last long going all natural lol

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