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every f***ing party is the same. tories were in power for years,run the country for there own benefit and shafted us.then labour came to power,for the time they were in power they blamed any probs on

A conservative politician, a working man and a disabled man are sitting round a table. On the table there is a plate with 10 biscuits. The Tory takes 9 biscuits, turns to the working man and says "You

I for one will be sad to see a true patriot like Maggie die, she broke the communists and in my opinion should have had the traitor Scargill hung like the soviet infiltrator he was!   Still, each to

every f***ing party is the same. tories were in power for years,run the country for there own benefit and shafted us.then labour came to power,for the time they were in power they blamed any probs on the last goverment,now we get the same bullshit again,we are sorting out labours mess.aye right i didnt come down the clyde on a banana boat.there all c**ts,was listening to the news this morning,that c**t whos gonna get the jail with his wife.75quid haircuts paid by us,and some f***ing pr stylist getting a wage for advising him on what tie to wear with his shirt.


it would be funny if wasnt so tragic.every person is feeling the pinch and most are struggling to keep things together despite cutting back,well except for them that is.not one thing has changed for them.sacking police,and others in public sector.why not sack some of those in parliment.tbh we wouldnt even f***ing notice they were gone. good for nothing wasters.they seen from an early age that politics was an escape from doing real work,and a shitload of pay,and a f***ing great pension for doing absouletly f**k all.they have minions who do all the leg work and they come on tv giving it the speel like they thought it up and organised the affair.oh and if it goes tits up,they dont take responsibility.its the arrogance of them that gets me.like that c**t who runs the NHS telling the press i wont be resigning! and low and behold cameron backed him up.

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the worst mistake i've made in recent years... wtf was i thinking?! i need a tap on the head, sorry guys. next election, please remind me not to vote for these twats again, they're more concerned with gay marriage than a decent welfare system, by all means streamline it, but deal with the main problems and not pussyfoot about with BS bedroom taxes etc.

Edited by GRAM71
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unfortunaetly it would take the total collapse of this countries infrastucture before we did anything. lets be honest here the law is structured to protect them.you would be charged with domestic terrorisim if you even attempted to sieze power from them.unlike the russians and the poles etc who never had f**k all to start with and were oppressed from the day they fell out the womb,they had f**k all to lose going up against them.

im afraid we in this country like our wee comforts and freedom to much,to even risk it.

but hey if it did happen give me a shout,id joyfully volunteer to line them up against a wall shoot the c**ts lol

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unfortunaetly it would take the total collapse of this countries infrastucture before we did anything. lets be honest here the law is structured to protect them.you would be charged with domestic terrorisim if you even attempted to sieze power from them.unlike the russians and the poles etc who never had f**k all to start with and were oppressed from the day they fell out the womb,they had f**k all to lose going up against them.

im afraid we in this country like our wee comforts and freedom to much,to even risk it.

but hey if it did happen give me a shout,id joyfully volunteer to line them up against a wall shoot the c**ts lol

Spot on, you only had to look at the heavy sentences handed out over the riots to see the message they were sending out. It was more about them saying they won't put up with any serious civil disobedience than it was about them punishing anyone who took part..
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unfortunaetly it would take the total collapse of this countries infrastucture before we did anything. lets be honest here the law is structured to protect them.you would be charged with domestic terrorisim if you even attempted to sieze power from them.unlike the russians and the poles etc who never had f**k all to start with and were oppressed from the day they fell out the womb,they had f**k all to lose going up against them.

im afraid we in this country like our wee comforts and freedom to much,to even risk it.

but hey if it did happen give me a shout,id joyfully volunteer to line them up against a wall shoot the c**ts lol

Definitely ! When the day comes, count me in !!!

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I have to say that the responses to this thread have largely filled me with hope. The hope that the day is coming soon when we stand up,say "enough is enough" and decide to do something about it !!!

I agree, it has shown that there are still folk in the country with a bit of common sense even though they may come from total opposite ends of the political spectrum......people are finding a lot of common ground

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I have to say that the responses to this thread have largely filled me with hope. The hope that the day is coming soon when we stand up,say "enough is enough" and decide to do something about it !!!

I agree, it has shown that there are still folk in the country with a bit of common sense even though they may come from total opposite ends of the political spectrum......people are finding a lot of common ground

think it will start soon theres going to be alot of marches against the goverment and there cuts with the disabled this summer

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and there cuts with the disabled this summer

f***ing hell, are they even get rid of disabled people now??!! Lol


Seriously, I don't give a monkeys about the cuts our public services have enough dead wood kicking about to build a treehouse to the moon......it the fact that I got another lot of over taxing socialist traitors who want to hand us over to the krauts that boils my piss !!

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