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A Great Day Out In The End - Plenty Of Pics

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So i was determined to get out today and get myself some wood pigeon, as i have been out recently but have been unsuccessful to bag anything due to the bad weather. I got up at 7:30 this morning and looked outside and thought FOOK that so i jumped back in bed and woke again at around 10am, so i grabbed my gun set off down to one of my farms, it was VERY windy and absolutely nothing about so i got back in the car and set off to a smaller farm that i remember seeing a few woodies sat in the trees the other day.


So upon pulling into the farm and entering the small wooded area about 6 pigeons took off, i got my 2 full bodied decoys out and sat them in a small patch of land next to it hoping that the woodys will fly into the trees to have a look.


Well a few minutes later after setting up the decoys and parking my self with my back to a tree and looking up at the main tree (around 15m away) they use, one flew in and presented his big beautiful chest to me, i slowly raised my gun and took aim towards the top of his breast and he came down like a sack of spuds :boogy: i was well chuffed that i finally got one after having such a dry spell.






So i grabbed him and put him with the decoys and sat my arse back down, a few minutes later again another popped up so i took him the way and stuck him with the decoys






i waited a little longer for my next shot as the rain kicked in and nothing was flying around, i could hear a magpie screeching in the trees above me but could not see it, so i got up crept around the listening to where he was, then i spotted a flash of white above my head, so i quickly knelt down and took aim straight on his chest and next he was tumbling through the trees to the floor




probably an hour went by as the rain kept coming, so i stood my ground and waited for it to stop. Finally the weather cleared up and the pigeons were coming back, in quick succession so i took another, and then another and then another and after around 1hour i had bagged another 5! :toast:


it started to get darker now so i decided to make a move but not before a group photo




and heres a pic of the decoys




hope you enjoy - i know i did



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Brilliant post Scott with great tactics, great photos and some nice shooting.


The piece of land looks a cracker too.




cheers mate, to be honest i havent been there much as the owner has other people round with ferrets and there aren't too many rabbits around atm, but i will be definitely keeping my eye on the woodies



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Very brave scott going out in that weather,paid off for you in the end mate.Game season ends soon so i'll be getting out a bit more.Going out tomorrow to see a couple of farms where i can shoot with the shotgun to see if they have any rat problems .will let you know if i get the ok.

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Very brave scott going out in that weather,paid off for you in the end mate.Game season ends soon so i'll be getting out a bit more.Going out tomorrow to see a couple of farms where i can shoot with the shotgun to see if they have any rat problems .will let you know if i get the ok.


Good luck mate

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